Chapter 63: Epilogue Part 3 (The End)

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A few months passed since the fall of Davoth and the death of the original Doom Slayer. Within that time frame, Zenitsu, Tanjiro, and Kanao reunited with Nezuko and began to renovate the Kamado homestead and refurbish it so it can be used once more. Although Inosuke would like to join them, he set his sights on larger goals, He went on to join the Night Sentinels and is currently learning how to pilot the Atlans which he desperately wishes to tame.

Sagetsu became wealthy with his creation and distribution of nichirin firearms, expanding his audience to the wider world besides the demon slayer corps and cooperating with the government. As a result of this partnership, Sagetsu is given ample funding and resources to improve his craftsmanship with weapons and generate even more efficient tools for the government.

Everyone was looking forward to this particular day, the day where the Doom Slayer would officially be buried. Many citizens across the various worlds gather in Argent D'nur on this fateful day at a memorial built to honor the dead. The Memorial was built within Taras Nabad, in a section of the city that had yet to be rebuilt due to the neverending chaos left behind by the demons. The area was cleared to make room for the memorial to act as a reminder for what was and what will soon be. Out of respect for the Demon Slayer Corps and the fact that Tanjiro Kamado is now the Doom Slayer, the memorial in Taras Nabad was outlined in sakura trees that covered the entire area. The memorial was an artistic collaboration from all of those who were saved by the Doom Slayer, from the ARC personnel on Earth, to members of the Demon Slayer Corps chiming in to help. The memorial was a result of all of their hard work, a way for them to express their gratitude by building the most grand memorial in the Doom Slayer's image. Within the center of the memorial, stood a very tall statue of the Doom Slayer standing on a pedestal. There were two, humongous, parallel lines of people stretching across Taras Nabad, clearing a path for the main event.

The chorus of chatter amongst the hundreds of thousands of citizens attending the event were silenced once Tanjiro began stepping through the open path in-between the two parallel rows of people. Pressed against his side was the damaged helmet of the original Doom Slayer. Meanwhile, he escorted a convoy guarded by Kanao, Zenitsu, Valen, and a few more of Valen's trusted personnel. They guided a Sentinel sarcophagus within them which had the remaining parts of the Flynn's Praetor Suit stored inside. Tanjiro continued walking through the crowd, catching the strange expressions people would make upon seeing the boy leading the way. It was a long, quiet, and arduous walk until they finally approached the statue of the Doom Slayer. The escort group split up as they began guiding the sarcophagus in front of the pedestal which opened up a hatch that had just enough room to insert the sarcophagus and seal it inside.

Valen walked up to a podium set up in front of the statue, with Tanjiro walking next to the King and casually glancing around at the hordes of people who lined up to mourn the death of the Doom Slayer. Valen cleared his throat before speaking into the microphone, "The Doom Slayer… was many things. To the demons, he was a symbol of fear. To the humans, he was your beacon of hope. To the Night Sentinels, he was a brother in arms. And to this boy, he was an idol. Regardless of your stance, the Doom Slayer has left a profound impact on all of us. We are united here, today, because of the Doom Slayer. Though he has passed, his legacy will not be forgotten. The Doom Slayer will continue to exist so long as we continue to believe. As we close the book on this dark period of history, we will be guided into a bright future with the help of the current Doom Slayer who will carry the mantle with him and lead us into a prosperous future!" The crowd began to cheer with the intensity of a thunderstorm, it was one of the loudest things either of them had heard in their life. Tanjiro couldn't help but form a small smile underneath his mask, but quickly made it go away after reminding himself what this event is about.

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