Chapter 6 Reunion and Mama Phone

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Slight mention of injuries

Small Anxiety Attack


Dave ran to him, looking for the wrench and quickly making use of it. He carefully undid the springlocks, his heart aching at every noise of pain that escaped Jack's lips. once the locks were stable, he carefully picked up the animatronic husk, to not risk Jack bleeding everywhere, and ran quickly to his car. He set him down carefully, buckling him in and hurrying to the driver's side, shutting the door and driving as quick as he possibly could to his house.

After what felt like an eternity (which was actually only 15 minutes-) they arrived, him taking Sportsy carefully into his living room and setting him down. He got together many bandages, new clothes knowing they'd be ripped to hell and back, and other medical supplies.

He got quickly to work, only focusing on bandaging and disinfecting, not wanting to clean and see more of his body-  God was it hard, he really did want to see him... but he wanted to respect his privacy as best as he could. 

Once Dave finished bandaging, he covered his partner in his clothes (finding it adorable when he realized how big they were on him), and carefully brought him to a bed to rest, growing increasingly concerned when he realized just how thin he was. He tucked him in, slowly leaving him be to clean up his living room.

He had many questions swarming his head, but tried not to focus on them.

All that mattered is Jack getting better.


Jack's mental state wasn't as lucky as his body currently was, experiencing the springlock failures over and over again. His fear became his hell as he slept through his body slowly healing enough to function.

When he was finally able to escape his mind, he awoke with a gasp, his body aching painfully. His breathing grew harsh as he realized he was on a bed, rolling off hitting the hard floor. He whimpered in pain, trying hard to suck in air for his foggy mind.

Hearing the door open almost made him go further into his panic attack, before he heard... that wonderful familiar nickname.

"Sportsy??" He looked up at Dave, tears in his eyes as he tried to calm his breathing.

Dave slowly walked over to Jack, sitting down next to him. "D... Dave...?" He whispered, unable to believe his eyes. Dave tearfully nodded, as they both wrapped their arms around each other. 

"Sportsy... I, I missed you s-so much-" Jack quietly sobbed in pure happiness hugging him  tighter, feeling at home in his arms. "I-I- I missed you too Dave... I, h-hoped one day, we'd meet a-again..." The two held each other tightly, not wishing to let go for quite awhile.

Till Dave's phone rang, him slowly separating to answer.

"Hello?" "Dave! have you heard from the nightguard??" '... whoops-'

He felt bad realizing he had forgotten to explain the situation to phoney-

"Uh, yeah, sorry I forgot to explain- He was springlocked but is now with me, he's doing alrig-" 

The line cut, as he realized what just happened. 'Ah shit I turned on his mom mode-' Dave still remembers well when he had hurt himself, and in return the phone guy took care of him like he was a child and he was the mother- Now things were probably going to get lightly chaotic.

Jack couldn't help but yelp as Phoney slammed open the front door. "Where are you both??"

Dave silently snickered. "In here phoney." The phone man ran over to them, gasping seeing how covered in bandages he was. He quickly picked him up. "You poor thing, your so light!"

Jack felt a strong blush cross his face as phone guy walked out into the living room. "Let's get some food in you." Dave couldn't help but snicker, following the two.

This was sure to be interesting.


AN- It's been WAY too long since I wrote mama phone, it feels great to be doing it again.

Hope you all enjoyed!

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