Chapter 7 Love You Just As You Are

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Just a nightmare, and some self deprecating talk.

This chapter be rather fluffy


Jack felt like he was in heaven. Dave was back by his side, he was eating well (well, as well as someone who was as malnourished as him could eat), the phone guy's motherly aura gave him such warm vibes... and he was in an actual home, with his own bedroom...

That didn't mean he felt, safe, or everything was suddenly perfect. ... He was still terrified of what would happen if George found out where he was. His phone had been smashed in the springlocking, so now George had no way to contact him. The voices were louder if anything, though a bit easier to ignore with all the distractions he now had.

His body was still in bad condition... in the back of his mind he knew it'd never be fixed, if he didn't tell Dave what was the problem. Though, he was terrified of what he'd think. The voices whispered that he should know exactly what he'd think, that he'd be casted out for all he had "done".

Unfortunately... Jack wasn't in a good enough mental state to see how obvious it was that Dave would never do any of the things the voices in his head said.

Dave though, was only getting more and more worried for the other. His personality... reminded him of how he was during the time he was with Henry. And that thought terrified him, the thought that someone could've abused him like... the pink bastard had done. It was terrifying. On one hand, he wanted to know who dared to have hurt Sportsy. On the other... he knew Jack needed time. Time to heal, time to get comfortable, time to accept that he was safe.

He refused to try and rush him, even if not knowing was destroying him. He figured he could try and see who it was himself. He was brought out of his thoughts by the ringing of the phone. He looked over picking it up.


"H-Hey Dave? I was wondering if, you think Jack is in well enough condition to come to work with you? As I, really need help..." He looked over at the resting Jack, unsure. "Hold on a second, Sportsy?" Jack looked over to him, as Dave asked the question.

Jack took a second to think, deciding... he was ready to stop staying inside. He nodded as Dave told the other they'd be at the restaurant in an hour, as they both went to get ready. Once they both finished, they headed into the car, and began the drive.


Jack hated the knot in his throat as he looked ahead to the pizzeria, memories lightly flashing through his head. He didn't want to be annoying as Dave already had to take care of him, he didn't want to disturb his work too. "Jack?" He looked over to the other, seeing the worry in his eyes. "If you need to leave at any point, don't be afraid to ask. Your mental health is important... you taught me that you know." Jack felt a small bit of blush cross his face, smiling softly. "O-Ok Dave... thank you." He helped the smaller out, bringing him inside.

"Hey you two!" They heard phoney call out as he walked over to them, giving them both a hug. They both softly relaxed in the hug, both were touch starved so-

"Glad you two made it! You both feeling good this morning?" "Yep mam." Dave said, the two looking at Dave with humor.

"Do you mean mom?" "Yeah that's what I said, mam." They both snickered. "Ok you two, be careful. I'm going to continue my duties." They said ok, waving as he left. "Dave, y-you aren't planning on causing chaos right?" "... No?-"

Jack sighed with a smile, he was glad Dave was still the same. "Fine... i'll get to work-" Jack let out an eep as he was picked up and put on the other's shoulders. "D-Dave!" "To work we go!!"

And off he ran, the blushing orange man hanging onto him for dear life.


Come 6 AM, Dave found himself recognizing the old Sportsy shining through more than ever. His slight sarcasm, that laugh, it was so wonderful to see. Now, it was time to head home and have a good dinner. He loved being able to spoil the other with his meals, he had spent the past years learning how to cook, so he didn't have to go out so often and get ridiculed. It was easy, with his knowledge in chemistry due to Henry.

His mood lightly soured, but he simply shook it off and focused on the wonderful man next to him. What a wonderful evening it was, watching movies and laughing. When he felt something on his shoulder and looked over, it took everything in him not to squeal seeing the other asleep on him.

He grabbed a nearby blanket and covered him in it, enjoying the sight of him sleeping soundly.

A few hours later, Dave realized he had fallen asleep as he was awoken by a scream.

He jumped up, ready for anything, until he noticed the man next to him. He was hyperventilating, blood falling down his face from his own fingernails. Dave quickly pulled his hands away from his head, immediately regretting his decision as Jack let out a loud cry of fear. He quickly let go saying many sorries. "S-Sportsy, c-can ya hear me?" He heard his breathing lightly stutter, he heard at least something...

"I-If ya can hear me, try taking a breath in and holding it, ok?" he noticed him trying, making him a bit more calm about this. "Good job, now keep taking in a few breaths in and out." He heard the other continue, and noticed a hand touch his. He slowly took it, the hand feeling perfect to him.

He slowly felt the other lean against him, burrowing into his chest. "I-I'm sorry- s-sorry I'm so w-wea-" Dave immediately shushed him. "You are not weak at all Sportsy... your the strongest person I know. Never talk bad about yourself... I love you just as you are." Jack cried into his chest, nuzzling him. Dave softly smiled, ready to hold him as long as he needed.


AN- Here's the first mainly fluffy chapter! It felt good to update Jackie (HA!Jack's nickname) so much, and Daven (HA!Dave's nickname) too! Hope you all enjoyed!

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