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"Wow" said Neymar, looking me up and down.
"Can we go?" he asked when he stopped looking at me
"Bye Cassie!" I shouted
"Bye!, and not that you'll come pregnant!" she shouted at me
"Cassie!" I yell
She just laughed.
I closed the door and turned to Neymar.
His famous grin was on his face
He wanted to say something
"No! Better not say anything" I told him
He just laughed and we went to the car. I looked down on the way to hide my blush.
That car is beautiful!
"Do you like?" he asked me
"Of course! That's the most beautiful car I've ever seen!"
He laughed
"Well, I'm glad, but we should go now" I nodded
He opened the door for me
What a gentleman, I thought
I sat in the car and buckled up.
I still can't believe the car I'm driving.
"Liv, I want to apologize" he said to me when he got into the car
"For what?"
"You know why"
I looked at him, I saw how he was focused on the road.
How cute he is at that.
Why do I think that! I banished those thoughts, my head
"What did you say?"
"That you already know what I'm apologizing for"
I thought about it, and it dawned on me for a moment
"But you don't have to apologize to me, nothing happened"
"But it happened! I hurt you! Even though I didn't mean to and you don't deserve it!" I saw that he was frustrated.
He started picking up speed
"Neymar calm down! Nothing happened okay? I'm fine! It's not your fault! Now please slow down!" at the end I was already screaming a little.
He finally slowed down
"Sorry, I don't know what happened", he stammered
"Nothing happened" I smiled at him
"How much longer?" I asked him
"We're here" he said and parked
It was a kind of fancy restaurant. But then it dawned on me
"Neymar! It's the most luxurious and the most expensive restaurant!"
"I know" he grabbed my hand and took me inside
"No, I can't afford it, it's too expensive" I said
"Wait did you take your wallet?" he asked me shocked
"Of course, what did you expect me to let you pay for me?"
"Liv hide your wallet, you won't pay for it yourself!"
"No but! We're going in" he grabbed my hand and we went
"Bom dia"
(Good day)

"Bom dia, register em nome de Neymar Jr"
(Hello, registration in the name of Neymar Jr)

"sim, senhor neymar sua mesa esta aqui venha a mim"
(Yes, Mr. Neymar, your table is here, follow me)

I had no idea what they were talking about.
"Liv come" Neymar pulled my hand, he held my hand the whole time, and I must say I like it.
What is wrong with me?
The waiter or whoever it was led us to our table, seated us and brought us the menu.
I almost had a heart attack when I saw those prices
"Ney can't afford to want this from you"
"How did you call me?"
"Ney.." I stammered, it probably bothered him, I'm stupid!
I saw how he smiled
"What is?" I asked him
"Nothing" he was still smiling
"Tell me"
"Nothing happened"
"Then why are you smiling like a sun on dung?"
He laughed
"I like what you called me, you can call me that"
I blushed, I quickly hid behind the menu.
Neymar put it back on the table with his finger.
"Don't cover yourself up, it's cute when you blush"
I started blushing even more and hid behind the menu again
He just laughed at me.
"So what did you choose?" he asked me
"No, I can't choose, because it all costs more than my food for a month"
"Liv, please don't look at the price and choose what you want"
I was looking at what to eat but I couldn't choose
"Choose for me" I told him
"All right"
He raised his hand and called the waiter
"Sim? O que você precisa?"
(Yes? What do you need?)

The waiter left.
"What did you order?" I asked him
"You'll see in a moment"
"How much did it cost?" I asked him
"You don't have to care about that"
"Neymar! What did you order?!" it dawned on him that there was no point in fighting me
"The most expensive and best food and wine"
"WHAT?!" I  stood up from my chair
Everyone looked at us.
I quickly sat back in my chair.
I felt super embarrassed and Neymar just laughed
"Do not laugh at me!" I slap his arm, he started laughing even more, I started laughing about it too.
They brought us food in no time, it was delicious.
I really enjoyed it, it was amazing.
I have to admit that Neymar is amazing, and I had a great time.
We left the restaurant at 11 p.m. We sat in the car, the road was quite quiet but it was pleasantly quiet.
"Neymar, I want to thank you, I really enjoyed it today, and I also want to thank you very much for paying for it today, I'll make it up to you somehow" I said when we said goodbye in front of the hotel. Neymar went to his house, he did not stay at the hotel.
"You're welcome, it was just a little thing and I enjoyed it too"
"Good night" he said to me
"Good night" I reached out and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
I turned around and wanted to go to the hotel.
But suddenly I felt someone grab my hand.
It was Neymar
He grabbed my hand, turned me around, pulled me close and kissed me..
I was surprised for a while, but then I started to cooperate.
When we couldn't breathe anymore, we pulled away from each other, resting our heads on each other's foreheads.
"Good night Ney" I said and went to the hotel
"Night Liv" I saw as he waited for me to come in and then he got into the car and left. When I came to the room, Cassie was already asleep, tomorrow I will tell her everything that happened. Now I took a bath, laid down in bed, I couldn't stop thinking about it, my mind couldn't process what happened.
I fell asleep for a while with a smile on my face

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