Some Assistance

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The start of another day. I woke up, showered, had breakfast, and took my bike to school. I parked it in the usual spot, walked to the building's entrance, but already I was sickened by the sight of those dumb jocks in their letterman jackets loitering around with Sonic, my once best friend. I tried walking past them, trying my best not to even take the smallest glance at them, but for some reason that never works, because before I even knew it, they were already blocking my way.

"Yo, freak boy. Ya got our homework?" Knuckles asked.

Whoa, hang on. Lemme get this straight: you just handed over 40 advanced math problems that are meant for 3rd and 4th year students, to me, a 1st year student, less than 24 hours ago, and you expect them to be done by now? Are you kidding me!? Were you dropped at birth or something!?

...argh. As much as I wanted to say that straight to his ugly face, it's probably not a good idea. So, I just responded normally.

"Umm... you literally just gave them to me yesterday."

"Yeah, so? Ya done with 'em or what?"

"Gimme a break, it's not like they can finish themselves. I'll need some time."

"Man, are you for real!? We didn't give 'em to you so you can procrastinate, y'know! I can do that myself!" Jet said. Heh, at least he's self-aware.

But, actually, y'know what? Screw it. It hasn't even been a few periods and these scumbags already managed to ruin my mood. I'm getting really sick of sucking up to them. I don't even care whatever happens next, I just wanna get all this anger off my chest.

"Well I'm so-rry. I had no idea you bunch of dumb jocks cared about homework so much!"

That... probably wasn't such a good idea, but at least it felt good letting out all that-


Okay, never mind. Bad idea. That just earned me a gut slug, courtesy of Knuckles' ridiculously large fist. It hurt so much to the point where it got me down on one knee and coughing.

"Huh!? What's that!? Ya wanna say that to my face again!? Come on, dork! I dare ya!" He shouted.

"N-no no, I'm sorry," I said, slowly getting back up while still holding my stomach.

"Good. Ya better get to it if ya don't want me getting angrier."

"Yeah, and I guess ya won't be havin' lunch today, right?" Vector said.

"H-huh? Why?"

"Well, duh. 'cause you'll be busy doin' our homework. So fork over your lunch money."

Aww no. Now I know you're definitely joking. First you punched me in the stomach and now you're robbing me? Alright, that's it, I'm about to-

Ow... ow, ow. Okay, the pain in my stomach just reminded me not to act like an idiot again, so I just took however much it was that I had and slapped it onto Vector's open palm. He looked at it and went:

"What, that's really all ya got?"

"Ugh, yes, that's literally all," I said while emptying my jeans' pockets. "Now leave me alone."

"Man, there better be more next time. If not, this next one's gonna hurt even more," Knuckles said as they all walked away.

Sigh... I've only just walked into the building and I already got my gut slugged and my lunch money robbed. Just wonderful. I wonder if things could get any worse.

And y'know what else, though? Just like yesterday, I hate how Sonic just stood there when he saw me getting punched. I'm starting to believe he's completely forgotten me. It's like he doesn't even care at all. I bet he probably enjoyed seeing me being treated like that. Same goes for all the other kids who just stood by, watching it all happen. I mean, come on! Did any of them even think that they should do something about this!? Are the kids in this place really that apathetic or are the bullies really just that much fearsome?

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