Chapter 2 Downpour

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"Was the joke just a joke or was it more did he feel the same way or was it all in my head but someday i wish for the courage to say how i Fancy you".
As the clock hits 4:00 am our main girly wakes up from a terrible slumber with a hangover more painful than a kick to the teeth the dazed Awatea notices the gift Zion gave her last night and smiles. She reluctantly puts on her shoes and starts to make her way to her sisters house where shes staying at the moment in the pitch dark dusk. All alone Awatea couldn't stop thinking about Zion his jacket, his figure, his smell and the heart racing smile he gave her Awatea couldn't wait to get home and lie in bed to think about what happened that night. As time pass Awatea finally makes it to her sisters house where she hecticly dove onto her bed and drifts back to sleep not being able to stop thinking about if she truly likes Zion or if she is joking. As the sun rises past noon everyone in the Mita house wakes up looking like a train wrecks but people start to question where Awatea went Zey checks her phone to find that Awatea texted her saying how she left to go sleep at her sisters. After hearing the news her friends start making fun of her as friends do Zion also laughs with them but started to wonder if she was alright and he notices that Awatea unknowingly left her stuff in Zeyounces room "she must have been in such a rush this morning" Zion said after that remark Zion starts to think if maybe he startled her last night as the day goes by everybody gets into the rhythm of work Zion heads off to work Zey and Te Haa start to cook everyone noodles and clean the kitchen a bit Tyesha, Hinehou and Nita clean the room and Shaeqwan cleans the shed. After all the cleaning they start to wonder if Awatea is up for drinks again later tonight Zey texts her asking if Awatea was up for drinks She agrees to drinking again and they planned to meet with each other halfway to her sisters house unfortunately Zey, Tyesha and Hinehou where to lazy to meet up with her so the young ones Nita and Te Haa decided they would go meet up with Awatea but ended up taking their time which made Awatea upset. After meeting up "halfway" Awatea storms into Zeys room angry that they forgot to pick her up "Hey you bitches that wasn't halfway what the fuck" Awatea said as she was right about to sock everyone in the face. Time passes as everybody sets up the drinks and tables outside and get the games ready for everyone to enjoy Zions Truck pulls up into the driveway with a box of long whites in hand ready for the drinking to begin. Zion sees Awatea and smiles as he walks up to her to give back some of the stuff she left behind "hi Awatea heres your vape you left it in my jacket when you gave it back to me" Zion said Awatea thanks him as she takes a long turn on her watermelon flavoured vape. Everybody sits down to enjoy the games and drinks as the night continues Zion and Te Haa walk inside to use the bathroom and to Te Haas surprise Zion asks Te Haa a very sweet question "Te Haa did Awatea make it home safe last night i was worrying if she ok or not" Zion said with his face starting to turn red from blushing Te Haa starts to laugh as he remembered all the jokes that Awateas been saying about Zion "she made it home safe though she left pretty early this morning" explained Te Haa to Zion who sighed in relief Te Haa then goes on to say "hey Zion are you ok with me asking a quick question" Zion nodded indicating he was ok with the question "do you have a thing for Awatea cause I've seen how you guys interact its very funny but also cute at the same time" Zion Blushes at the question and frantically blurts out "wait she  has a thing for me" Te Haa nodded which made Zion start blushing even more he couldn't tell if it was from the drinking or embarrassment "if you do just ask tonight thats if you do like her though" Te Haa said Zion proceeds to ask Te Haa for tips on when and how he should ask Awatea out Te Haa who was surprised that Zion had feelings for Awatea gives him some pointers "I reckon just ask her in private so that she doesn't get all flustered in front of everyone also don't be all shy while asking be confident when you speak to her and lastly take her out to the driveway where its more quiet".
Zion takes note of what Te Haa said and proceeds to go outside to ask Awatea Zion sits next to Awatea asks her if she could come with him for a second she agrees and they both head out to the driveway. As they both start walking down the long driveway they take time to look at the beautiful star filled sky Zion looks at Awatea and starts to feel butterflies in his stomach he begins to say "hey Awatea Te Haa told me something" Awatea filled with annoyance after hearing that statement starts to think about what that idiotic guy Te Haa would have said to Zion "and i heard that you might like me" Zion said with a comforting voice Awatea starts to glow red in embarrassment. But as Zion is about to finish his sentence the fairy lights above the trees turn on and illuminates Awateas skin and makes her eyes sparkle which made Zions heart flutter. Awatea who's cheeks where glowing in a dark pink from all the emotions going on in her head Zion proceeds to ask Awatea "i also have feelings for you as well and it would be cool if we had an actual relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend instead of jus friends" Zion said with butterflies going wild in his stomach as Awatea is trying her hardest to work up the courage to answer Zions question a gentle rain starts to pour down onto them as the rainfall drips on to her soft skin she pulls Zion in for a passionate kiss under the fairy lights after their romantic exchange she answers his question finally "yes Zion i will go out with you". Feelings start to fly around them as it starts to pour even harder "we better get back to the shed" Awatea said to her new found love as they start to run up the long narrow driveway Zion trys his best to cover up Awatea with his jacket to keep her silky smooth hair from getting wet. As they both walk into the shed everyone starts to gawk at them and joke about what they where doing all alone and after all the teasing and drinking Zion and Awatea exchange smiles as they both continue to drink the night away.

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