Chapter 32

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Happy New Year! I can't thank you enough for the love you guys have given here on Wattpad and I hope we'll have a fun 2023!!

Watch out for some typos because I didn't have any time to proof read this anymore 😂



May 21, 2025 - Monaco

He's playing with me.

From the time we left the apartment until we arrived at the event, Charles has been teasing me nonstop. There are small touches and whispers in my ear, but nothing beats the look he gives me every time he meets my eyes.

We were currently at the event, doing rounds as he talked to men and women dressed in formal attire. His arm was wound around my waist, right hand placed on my hip and fingers almost reaching my stomach. From time to time, his hand would move to my shoulder and I'd shiver as he rubbed small circles on my skin.

There was one moment where Charles stood behind me as he talked to one of the board members of the brand that was sponsoring him, engaging me in the conversation even though it was my first time ever hearing of the brand.

"I hear you're a lawyer?" The woman asked, holding a champagne flute with her fingers. Her eyes judgementally raked up and down my body, scrutinizing my dress and then giving me a fake smile afterwards. "What a very fascinating job."

"Fascinating, indeed." Charles added, lips brushing against the side of my head and I saw her fingers tighten around the stem of the champagne flute.

"So, how did you meet Nadia?" She asked Charles, not even looking my way. I fought to roll my eyes and just leaned my back against Charles' chest.

"He annoyed me to death." I answered before Charles could even speak up and I felt his chest lightly vibrate in laughter. "I've never met someone who could be both infuriating and loving at the same time." I grinned, placing my hand over his that was on my hip.

"How lovely." She said although her tone indicated otherwise. After a few more seconds, I was able to sigh out in relief as she excused herself and left Charles and I alone.

"I don't know how you put up with this." I told Charles, turning around in his arms as my eyes scanned the room. "My jaw hurts from all the smiling."

"It's part of the job, Nova." He said, smirking at me. Charles looked around as well before his gaze returned to mine. "What do you say we get out of here and go to a real party?"

"Normally, I'd say no, but I'm in need of a night out." I said and he didn't hesitate to grab my hand and lead me out of the venue, nodding to a few people we passed by. "Would you mind if Gabby came along with us?"

"If I say no, would she kill me?"

"It's possible." I smirked and he chuckled in return, opening the door to the exit and placing a hand on the small of my back to gently push me forward.

"Then the answer is yes." As we walked to where his car was parked, Charles held my hand while his other opened the first three buttons of his shirt. I looked away, fighting the blush that threatened to show through my cheeks.

When we reached his car, I was about to open the door when Charles tugged on my hand and turned me around, leaning my back against the vehicle. I was caught by surprise for a moment before my eyes landed on the smirk on his lips. "What is it with you and testing my patience today?" I asked, inclining my head to the side as he placed his hands on my waist.

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