00.2 The White Lady

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The little girl grew up in comfort and care in the castle of High Garden, surrounded by clear skies, plentiful meadows, and flowers of every kind.

Her Grandmother, Lady Olenna was her primary teacher, being young enough to be able to watch over the girl during her younger years.

And Mace, the young Lord, and his two sisters, Janna and Mina, were often nearby as well -- needing the guidance of their mother, on how to run their lands among other things, Mace being only eleven years older than the little White Lady.

When not caught up in their duties, the cousins, often acting more like siblings, would play all sorts of games that entertain children for hours.

Arcene Tyrell would have become a lady, similar to Lady Olenna in years past, or Lady Margery who would not be born for some years yet, if she had not been called to court by King Aerys Targaryen.

The king, in his madness, wanted to restore the tradition of multiple Targaryen brides.  He desired to marry the girl, only eleven and not yet a woman, to his son, Prince Rhaegar.

So, she was taken from her home, not to see the beautiful castle for many years, to be presented to the king, and the royal family, at Harrenhal.

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