sweet | 2

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"Stop." I laughed against David lips feeling his hands trail up my thighs into my robe I wore, trying my hardest to not be my loudest only knowing he was in here without permission.

"Mhm, I love you." He pulled away slightly looking in my eyes as he spoke, his voice soft.

"I love you too, my heart." Bringing my hand up, I rubbed it against his ear my fingers rubbing over the diamond earring in his ear.

"How much," huffing I pushed him off of me seeing he had a smirk on his face before humming in an questioning way waiting for me to answer.

"How much ma,"

"A lot."

Staring into his eyes, he smiled before leaning up placing an passionate kiss on my lips that I broke away before it could get anywhere else knowing him.

Before I noticed the lowness in his eyes n the way he was looking at me I knew he was off then right about then.

"Bae you high?" Already knowing the answer after he laughed bringing his head in the crook of my neck, "Shut up fa my mom hea you." I slapped the back of his head causing him to smack his lips before standing up at the foot of the bed.

"Why you alla way ova Thea?" He asked in a low voice with a smile on his face as if he haven't just removed himself away from me.

Before I could respond the sound of my phone ringing caught my attention causing me to snap my head towards where the sound was coming from, seeing my mom calling me I looked over at dd seeing he was staring at me waiting for an answer causing me to chuckle.

"It's my mom." I said picking up my phone telling him to shush with my finger before picking up the phone seeing him huffing with his head back which I ignored.

"Please turn your music down," I heard her say and by the sound of the background I could tell she was coming either up or down the stairs my first thought giving David the signal to go in my closet, him going in without an word.


Hanging up the phone after a minute I stood up walking over to my door to see if my mom was up here but she wasn't meaning she had to be walking downstairs.

"Damn could I come out or what?" I heard David say from the closet, chuckling I walked over to the closet opening it seeing him with his brows furrowed in that angry way making me laugh at him.

"You're really stupid as fuck, now what if my mom was in hea." I said rolling my eyes playfully, he walked over to my night stand grabbing my Polaroid and my cotton candy I was munching on before he came here, he stood by my night stand for a minute looking between the tv and my Polaroid camera that was placed in his hand.

"I know she wasn't though."

Reaching out he ate some of my cotton candy, standing there for a good five more minutes before he turned around looking down at the camera still.

"How you work this shit?" He questioned causing me to walk up grabbing it out of his hand, fixing myself I turned the camera to take a pic of us hearing it loud before the picture came out, grabbing it the picture showed me with an normal face and David in the back chewing on the cotton candy.

Random cute picture.

"Oh aight- mmct, lemme see." He tried reaching for it only for me to snatch it away seeing him snap his head back slightly before reaching his Hand out again.

"I wanna take the pic," I whined seeing him stare at me for a minute before snatching the camera out my hands before I could catch it, new york niggas so aggressive.

"Damn the fuck," I said, playfully. One thing about our relationship we knew how to keep shit to an certain shit to where we know when we're playing with each other or either when something or an situation is serious and this right now.

I love we have that type of relationship.

I grabbed the cotton candy out his hand eating some watching him look at the picture I took, he looked back after giving me a peck on the lips immediately I tasted the cotton candy taste on his lips.

Pulling away I licked my lips savoring the taste, before I looked up again seeing him walk over to my bed laying down on it, "C'mere." Instantly I walked over to the other side getting in beside him feeling him wrap his arm around me.

"Gimmie kiss," he mumbled his head laying against the pillow, camera still placed in his hand.

I leaned up bringing my head over his bringing ours lips together feeling him stick his tongue out causing me to do the same, the cotton candy taste on his tongue coming on mines.

We stayed there kissing for a good minute before I heard the camera flick again the sound a waiting print sound was heard before I looked over seeing the print come out.

The tip of my fingers gripped his jaw my face not being able to be seen just David and our kiss, his eyes were closed and he hadda little smirk on his face in the kiss.

"Hmm, I love this picture. You like it?" I picked it up handing it over to David watching him look at it for a moment before nodding with a smile on his face handing it back to me.

"Can you give me my photo book?" I asked him that sat on the side where he was, looking over looking for it he spotted it immediately handing it to me watching my every move.

"Thank you," I opened up to the 5th page where I was now on so far since I've had my camera, I placed the picture of me and dd in one of the pockets.

Next to pocket where you can place the picture at it had a line so you can speak upon the picture that was taken or what was taking place in it, grabbing my pin from inside the book where I kept it tucked.

I wrote,

cotton candy

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