Chapter 3: Is Prom Still On?

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(Emily's P.O.V)

We sat in the hospital, Hope hasn't woken up since we got here 4 hours ago. Drake as been stuck at work but he should be on his way soon.

Drake: I'm here!

Emily: Thank god, what took you so long?

Drake: A lot of traffic, so what's going on?

Emily: We don't know yet, they said she should be stable soon so we can go see her.

A few minutes later the doctor walks into the waiting room.

Doctor: Hope Sawtell's family?

Emily: Right here, I'm her mom.

Doctor: She is stable now but she took a nasty fall, we would like to keep her over night

Emily: She has prom tonight.

Doctor: Oh well then.... she can go but do you think you could bring her back once it's over, so we can run all the tests on her

Emily: That we can do

Doctor: Oh, she has a concussion and we stapled the back of her head cause she split it open.

Nurse: Doctor, Hope is awake now

Drake: Can we go see her?

Doctor: Yes

We walk into her room. I could here her monitor beeping.

(Hope's P.O.V)

I wake up to the sound of beeping then I realize I was in the hospital. Having no memory of what happened or how I got here. I asked my family.

Hope: Mom, dad, why am I in the hospital?

Emily: Your friends were fighting and you were pushed cause you tried to break it up and then you hit your head and were sent here.

Drake: I'm so happy your okay, hopefully Dustin and Lillian will be here soon.

Lillian: We're here! How are you feeling?

Hope: I'm doing better

Dustin: I didn't want to come cause I wanted to see you tonight, will you still be able to go to prom?

Hope: Mom?

Emily: Yeah you can go

Dustin: I'll pick you up later, glad your feeling better.

Hope: Yeah me too.

After they left I felt strange, when I saw Dustin walk with that smile on his face my heart skipped a beat. Do I like Dustin? Of course I like him he's my best friend or maybe more than my best friend.

Hope: When are we leaving?

Emily: 30 minutes so here is you clothes get dressed and I will drive you to Amanda's

Hope: Alright thank you

Emily: No problem baby girl

Drake: Go get dressed I have to go and pick up Jace from soccer practice then Gianna from dance

Hope: Alright bye dad

I got dressed and put my hair up in a messy bun. I walked out and my mom was sitting in a chair waiting for me. It looked like she was crying but she had no tears down her face or in her eyes. I didn't ask what was wrong.

Emily: *sniffs and sighs* Ready to go?

Hope: All set

Emily: Alright I'll meet you at the car

I walked to the car while my mom was talking to another doctor. She came out and it looked like she was crying.

I shrugged it off and got into the car. As we were driving tears were running down her face but he wiped them quickly. I have to know what's wrong.

Hope: Mom what's wrong, why are you crying?

Emily: I don't want to ruin your night tonight, I'll tell you when you get home

Hope: Why can't you tell me now?

Emily: It's complicated

Hope: Please tell me

Emily: Why do you want to know so bad Hope?!

Hope: Just tell me what's wrong

Emily: You wanna know what's wrong?!

Hope: Yes! Stop yelling at me and just tell me!

Emily: My brothers dead! Jacobs dead!! He's dead, gone, forever! And he had a baby on the way!!

Hope: He can't be, he can't be dead *crying*

Emily: He is, he's gone. I found out at the hospital while you were asleep.

Hope: *crying* How? How did he die?

Emily: Someone hit him with a car, we don't know who

Hope. Oh my god, my only uncle is dead. What about Carmen his wife?

Emily: She's at home crying her eyes out cause her baby girl will grow up without knowing who her father was or what a good person he was

Hope: I can't believe it *wiping her tears away*

Emily: We're here, just try and have a good night tonight and don't worry to much about it

Hope: I'll try

Emily: Bye sweetie, have fun

Hope: Bye!

Jacobs dead, I was in the hospital, prom, Dustin. So many thoughts on my mind. I don't even know if I want to go to prom anymore. Is prom still on?

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