Chapter 1: Departion

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"Sooyoung! Sooyoung! Sooyoung pay attention to me this instant!" Mr. Park, the headmaster, stated loudly.

"I'm sorry Mr. Park, I was just zoned out." I explain.

Mr. Park sighs. "Sooyoung, are you aware what happened to Eungi after that fight?"

"I can't say I am sir."

"The nurse had to send her to the hospital because of how much blood she was losing," he explains.

Hospital? I feel bad now...

"On some occasions we just suspend because of fights, but," he took a long pause

"What?" I ask.

"Because of Eungi's current condition, I am afraid that expulsion is the only option," he says, sighing again.

"What?! No, no this can't be possible."

"I'm afraid it is possible. I am sorry Sooyoung." I was on the verge of tears. My eyes were probably swelling up. "Your parents will be picking you up Sooyoung. We have already contacted them. Until then, you can sit on the bench in the main office."

I ran out of his office with tears in my eyes, heading straight toward the girls room.

"Sooyoung!" I hear Yerim yell. I hear her footsteps chasing me into the restroom. "Sooyoung unnie what happened?" She asks.

"I'm so sorry Yerim," I say while crying.

"Sorry for what?" She questions me with a worried look in her eyes.

"I've been expelled," I explain to her softly, still crying. When I said this, it got dead silent. I looked up and saw tears in Yerim's eyes. She was too sad to speak. It's weird seeing her like this, her personality is usually bubbly and exciting, I've almost never seen her cry.

//timeskip: 30 minutes//

My parents arrived. This is it. I'll never see my friends again. Nobody was outside to say goodbye to me.

"Wait! Unnie!" I hear Yerim yell. From her voice, it is clear she is still crying. As I turn around she hugs me tightly. I hug her back. This may be the last time I'll be able to do this. I hear her cry on my shoulder, "I'm going to miss you more than life itself unnie."

"Me too. Yerim, you've helped me through everything. Thank you so much for everything you've done for me," I say, barely making any sense of my words because of how hard I am crying. We were both just standing there. Hugging tightly, crying messes. We finally let go. I notice Yerim is crying even harder.

"Goodbye unnie, I'll miss you."

"Bye, Yerim," I said, crying even harder. As I was walking to the car I heard her say,

"Oh, unnie!" She began to say. I looked back. "Never forget me," She said, crying but still smiling. I grinned at her.

"I promise I won't," I said. As me and my parents were driving away, I had to listen to them complain and yell at me.

"Listen here, Sooyoung. We work all day and all night and this is how you repay us?! Expulsion?! I swea-" my mother is cut off when I put my headphones in. As I listen to my playlist, I look out the window, hoping that the next place we move to won't be so bad.

//timeskip: 2 days//

"Eomma!" I call to my mom, "I'm packed!"

"Okay, Sooyoung!" Today was the day that we moved out. It is very conflicting on how I feel about this. If we didn't move, I couldn't go to school and I would just be living in a city of broken memories; however, since I am moving I have to leave a part of myself behind in this city. I'm abandoning my life. I'm abandoning my friends. I'm abandoning my childhood. I'm abandoning Yerim. Just as I finish packing the last memory my mom calls me.

"Sooyoung! We're ready! Hurry up!"

"Coming, mom!" I sigh and stare blankly into the wall. So this really is it. No more friends. No more memories. I sigh again.

At least I'll get a fresh start and people won't remember me as the girl who sent Eungi to the hospital.

I think to myself. My mom calls again. "Sooyoung! Come down here right now!" I pick up my box of stuff and take it downstairs. When we finish packing the car I am barely able to get in the car. I'm in too much pain to leave everything behind.

"Sooyoung, please get in the car," My dad says. I nod in cooperation and step into the car. The highway is long. We're finally leaving. I can't make a sense of the things I feel right now. Heartbreak, relief, pain. My emotions are a jumble in my head. Nothing feels right. About moving. About everything. As we finally pull into the driveway of our new house, I take my items from my moving box one by one so it won't be heavier into my room.

I finally finish unpacking after a long and most definitely not worth it three hours. I just wonder if the school will be alright.

//timeskip: 1 day//

As I get out of the car, I hear my mom yelling in the distance.

"Sooyoung! Good luck!" Not even goodbye. Just "good luck." My heart races as I enter the school. When I am inside, I get many stares. I'm new, I'm strange, I don't fit in. So many thoughts are rushing through my mind on what everyone around me is thinking when they see me. Just then, when I'm looking around at everyone looking at me, I feel something on the ground in front of me. Before I can look down to see what I stepped on, I slipped and fell. It was water. Everyone turned into a laughing fit.

Well that's a way to start your day in a crappy school I guess.

I think to myself. As I am lying on the ground, I just decide to stay there. Stay here until class.

Hopefully I can fake an injury the teachers will belie-

Just then, my thought is interrupted by a beautiful girl standing over me. She appears perfect. I can't help gazing into her eyes.

"Are you okay? I'm Jiwoo. Sorry if I'm disrupting you."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2022 ⏰

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