Chapter 14- Paranoia

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Maddy and I quickly follow after Becca

"I need to talk to Miguel please" I hear Becca say followed by Becca and Miguel walking into the room that us girls were just in. Maddy and I walk into the living room

"Do either of you know what that was about?" Tristan asks

"Uhh no, I really don't" I answer. Becca and Miguel walk out a few seconds later

"Okay everyone gather in a circle, we are gonna play paranoia." Becca informs us all

"What's that?" Brady asks

"Everyone sits in a circle then the questioner will ask someone a question. That person will answer the name of someone in the group. Then we throw a shoe if it lands right the question is said out loud, if it doesn't land right the questioner moves on to the next person. Oh and you can't ask the same person the same question twice" Becca tells us. We all gather in a circle. "Miguel will start as the questioner." Miguel whispers a question into Maddy's ear

"Cassie" She answers. 

"Good choice" Miguel says then flips the shoe and it doesn't land 

"Cass I promise it wasn't anything bad I promise." Maddy pleads. I just smile at her. Miguel moves on to Tristan

"Brady" Miguel flips the shoe, it lands

"The question was who do you think the parent of the group is." Miguel informs us. A series of 'yeah's and sounds about right's' rang from the group. Miguel moves on to Brady

"Mason" Brady answers. Miguel flips the shoes, it doesn't land. Miguel then moves to me

"Out of everyone in the group who would you date?" Miguel whispers in my ear

"Mason" I respond shutting my eyes tight when he tosses the shoe. I peak one eye open and see that the shoe didn't land "Oh thank freaking heavens". Miguel chuckles then moves on to Becca then Mason. Neither of them have to say their question out loud. Then Miguel and Becca swap out. 

-----TIME JUMP-----

We play paranoia and lots of other games for hours, we end up missing lunch. While playing paranoia anytime Mason or I answer each other's name the question isn't said out loud, so far I don't think Becca's 'plan' is gonna work.

"I'm hungry can we get dinner?" Maddy asks me quietly. Nobody else said anything about being hungry so Maddy being one of the youngest didn't want to say anything herself

"Hey guys it's starting to be dinner time. Imma order some in a minute so what does everyone want?" I ask




"Ohh Pizza sounds good"


All the suggestions were coming in like crazy and hit me like a truck

"Ok nevermind I will just order and you all will be surprised" I say and walk into the kitchen, and lean up against a counter trying to figure out what to order. After a minute someone walks in, I look up and see Mason standing there

"Hey Mase. What's up?" I ask looking back at my phone

"I don't know, just wanted to know if you needed help. You seemed kinda stressed when everyone was saying what they wanted." Mason explained walking over to me

"I'm fine. we just can't order from 8 different places" I say with a breathy laugh

"Cassie, don't lie to me. I know that you say you're fine and that if you're not then you'll come to me. I get that, but the way you were just a minute ago was different from any other time I have seen you." Mason says turning me to face him. I still look down at my phone not wanting to look at him. He puts his hand under my chin and lifts my face up so I have to look at him. "Please let me help you Cass" I have to bite the inside of my cheek to not break down

My Love - Mason ThamesWhere stories live. Discover now