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Lisa gritted her teeth as she walked to her front door, waves of pleasure rippling through her body from the simple friction of her silk robe brushing her naked skin. She hadn't expected the new escort to arrive for another fifteen minutes, but was thrilled by her punctuality. This month's impending transformation was already more intense than the last, even without the perigee moon, and Lisa knew it had everything to do with Jennie.

Consumed by Jennie's lingering scent on the furniture around her, by the memory of the last time she touched Jennie's skin, Lisa could think of nothing but her desire to fuck Jennie hard and fast, to make her scream out shuddering release. More than once today she had orgasmed simply by thinking of what she would do to Jennie if they were together. It was probably better for Jennie they weren't.

Now that she had a mate, the sexual frenzy the moon sparked within Lisa burned so hot it left her barely able to hold on to conscious thought. She had no idea how she would restrain herself if Jennie were near. As it was, it would surely take everything she had to explain her ritual to the new girl, even more not to seem like a complete lunatic while doing so. Lisa hoped the escort's early arrival boded well for her ability to follow instructions and tie rope tighter than her predecessor.

Lisa opened the door, then went very still. For a few breathless moments she hoped she was seeing things, that her sex-clouded mind was tricking her into imagining Jennie standing there on her porch looking delicious enough to devour.

"Oh, good. I thought you would have already left." Jennie's eyes shone with emotion even as she flitted her gaze over the length of Lisa's body. "Were you about to take a shower?"

Bracing a hand against the door frame, Lisa gritted her teeth and tried to hold herself together. Answering the door in a robe had to seem strange when Jennie believed she should be on her way out of town already. The least she could do was try to act normal.

Working against her was not only the maddening influence of the moon but also the knowledge that her escort was due to arrive any moment. Lisa struggled to focus on the task at hand, it was absolutely necessary to make Jennie leave before she got caught in a lie.

But her body didn't want Jennie to go. The satisfaction she craved was right in front of her, staring at her with troubled eyes. Lisa felt a myriad of emotions pouring off Jennie, chief among them guilt. Dimly, Lisa wondered what could have happened to bring Jennie here when she knew Lisa wasn't supposed to be home.

"I was just getting ready to go." Cursing the breathiness of her voice, Lisa tried to affect a casual air. "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be at Irene's."

"I couldn't stay." The guilt that flowed from Jennie intensified, but instead of dampening Lisa's arousal, it only inflamed her more. Right now every bit of Jennie's emotion served as kindling for the fire of her lust, stoking the flames to dangerous heights. "She kissed me, Lisa. I didn't want her to and I told her nothing could happen between us, but..." Swallowing, Jennie could no longer seem to meet her eyes. "I know you wanted me to stay with her tonight, but I can't. And I'm so sorry to just drop in like this when you're on your way out of town. I needed to tell you what happened... and apologize."

Lisa exhaled through her nose. Her heart pumped alarmingly hard, every beat thrumming in her pussy and making it more and more difficult to function. The idea that Irene would touch her Jennie unleashed a flood of jealous need, stretching her control to the breaking point.

The easiest way to make Jennie leave would probably be to accuse her of cheating and send her away, but Lisa couldn't do that. Not even to protect her secret. With effort, Lisa bared her teeth in a tense smile.

"No need to apologize, baby. I trust you. Is there somewhere else you can go tonight?" Lisa concentrated on moderating her breathing, trying to ignore the scent of Irene she now picked up on Jennie's skin. The visceral reminder of Irene's transgression made it all but impossible to resist pulling Jennie inside and staking her claim. "I hate to turn you away, but I'm already running late..."

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