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Good night to everyone.

This is the first time I wrote a fanfic in English and that's because I usually do English-Spanish translations and post them here (English is not my mother lenguage so please tell me if you detect a mistake so I can correct it).

This oneshot was a activity requested from the Marketing Leader of "Clown Entertainment" (which is the representative name of our project) which she assigned me because we are still in hiatus and we don't want our beautiful fandom think that we abandoned them.

For those who doesn't know what "Clown Entertainment" is: We're a group of fans working on a SVSSS Comic. Our goal is to make a graphic novel of "The Scum Villain Self-Saving System written by MXTX.

We have 5 chapters currently published.


Chapter 1:

Chapter 2:

Chapter 3

1st part:

2nd part:

Chapter 4:

Chapter 5

1st part:

Originally they asked me a oneshot with 300-500 words but after going to Mimi and told her that I just can't do something so small she very kindly gave me total freedom and I could extend myself as much as I wished and —although is true the fanfic could have delved many more topics in depth— this is a story that was also published on our main network ( so I didn't want to make the Marketing Leader suffer unnecessarily.

I must admit that this concept is far away from my original idea (which was fine because I didn't want to traumatize people at Christmas Night or make them cry tears that weren't of love).

The publication date was scheduled for the 28th of December so even though officially December 25th passed it was until now that I had permission to show you my baby.

The last time I wrote something was around 2003 so I hope you enjoy the reading and the narrative.

Thank you so much to all the beautiful people that made it this far ❤️

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