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Shen Yuan was upset, he wasn't going to lie.

For him "Christmas Season" was something to be enjoyed at home.... Not in wagons full of strangers that invade your personal space!

To his good fortune —yes, that was sarcasm— he had been scheduled for a job interview on December 25th.

This apparently simple task had taken longer than expected due to the multiple tests he was subjected to not only forcing him to leave the comfort of his home on such a busy day but also to almost miss the last train of the night —which luckily, he barely managed to board—.

Overcome by the situation he desperately searched with his eyes for an available seat and —when he finally found one— he didn't give a damn about having to push his way through all those people.

All he wanted was to get to the back of the wagon.

As he got closer he realized why no one had sat there even though the train was full.

The only empty seat was next to a dark-haired young man and —although he was incredibly handsome— his inhuman beauty shouldn't be enough reason to avoid him like the plague itself, should it?

Well! How about having to sit next to a handsome young man who covers his face with his hands and whose body is shaking violently?

After considering whether it was better to stand cramped or endure the discomfort for a few stations he finally sighed, giving up.

He really hated when people had the nerve to cry in public.

Without a word he took the seat next to the sobbing boy and focused on watching the colorful lights that decorated the train station.

It won't be a big problem if I ignore him he thought.

How could he know that after two stations his mood would worsen as he noticed that the boy next to him not only wouldn't stop crying but was transforming into an ever worsening mess!

Unable to feign indifference for any longer he looked at him discreetly —also taking the audacity to observe his features in detail—.

A few minutes of silence passed between them before he reluctantly asked him —more out of politeness than genuine interest— if everything was all right.

Bravo, Yuan, you're always so clever! Whoever is drowning in tears is certainly having a wonderful time!

As soon as the young man beside him looked at him, Shen Yuan felt that his soul had left his body.

The boy's deep black eyes shone like two shining stars even drowned in that sea of tears.But that was nothing compared to the radiant smile he drew on his lips and made Shen Yuan's mind go blank for a second.

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