Chapter 1: Invitation to the old world

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Percy wondered if he could survive jumping off Olympus.

It would beat sitting at an Olympian party and listening to listening to gods talking about how great they were, but then again this was still the most interesting thing he had done all week.

Yeah, Percy was not liking civilian life. He knew he deserved peace and he was supposed to enjoy it but he just couldn't, don't get him wrong, Percy loved the fact that the demigod world was now in peace and that they would finally enjoy the life they had so fought so hard to protect, but he had spent the last 6 years of his life as a hero, a person who people look up to, who leads his people to victory, who makes sure that the world is a better place to live in, and he couldn't help but feel like there was more he could do.

Percy knew that the only right thing to do now was to find a way to make life even better for his family and friends, that was what he had always done and while it certainly wasn't the thing he always wanted to do, he had grown to love it. He just didn't really know how to, he had done everything he thought he could do.

"And I heard the great hero wasn't much of a thinker." Percy looked beside him to see a beautiful young woman in her early 20s with white-blond hair and eyes that seemed to be a mixture of every shade of purple that existed and that didn't exist, she gave off a mysterious aura like she knew the secrets of the world.

He hadn't noticed her take the seat next to him.

"Lady Hecate" Percy remembered her from the house of hades when she had helped him, Hazel and Leo defeat the giant Clytius.

"Perseus-" "it's Percy" "-Percy." Hectate raised an elegant eyebrow at him as if to ask him if it was wise to interrupt a goddess. It never is.

"I have a solution to all your problems," Hectate said with a winning smile Percy had to will himself not to smile back, he didn't know what she wanted and he knew that it was best to exercise caution when dealing with friendly-looking immortals unless he wanted to become a guinea pig.

"What problems?" Percy winced at the visible suspicion in his voice, he didn't want to anger the goddess, he really didn't want to deal with an angry goddess.

"the old lost soldier, there is always one of you after a war," the goddess smiled mysteriously like she enjoyed being unclear and bringing confusion to demigods.

A nymph who he guessed was the bartender got a glowing orange drink for Hectate and his usual whiskey for him.

"You're lost, no clue what to do, Yearning to serve your people but You have no clue how you possibly could." it was creepy how well she knew his inner musings and the smug smile on her face just proved it.

"Well I know of people that you can help, I can give you a purpose."

Percy stared at her for a few seconds, "what's the catch?"

"You will be going to war in England, you will need to be trained by me to learn magic, and there will be an entire civilization on the line that you can tell no one about."


"The details are yours if you accept."

Percy contemplated it, no one really needed him here right now, Annabeth was dating an architecture student from her university, Jason was off being a priest and building temples with Piper's help, Frank and Hazel were leading the 12th Legion, Leo and Calypso were doing their own garage thing. Nico was busy being ghost king, mom and Paul were enjoying life with his sister who was now 2 and mom's books were bringing in a lot of money, and to top it off the world was peaceful, it also didn't need him.

He had fought for the last 6 years to survive and to save his friends, he had no choice but to go to war. He had not taken up arms for mortals but he liked the idea the more he thought about it, he had wanted to join the military as a kid, before he vaporized his pre-algebra teacher who was actually a kindly one.

"I accept."

Hectate smiled like a lion who had just caught a gazelle, Percy replied with a shark's grin.

"Great, we can head to London in a week, say your farewells till then."

"tell me more about the mission." Percy had a shot of adrenaline go through him and he knew that he was going to watch a ton of action movies for this week, he felt like James Bond being deployed to a mission.

There was a serious part of him that was trying to crush his enthusiasm by reminding him of the horrors of war but his inner kid used a nerf gun on that voice and it shut up real quick.

"That requires a back story dear hero," Hectate's eyes glowed and Percy was mesmerized by her eyes as they started showing him a movie.

"When the mist was put into place, something strange happened, the mixing of gods and mortals led to the creation of mortal magic, they called themselves priests in ancient Rome, but when Rome spread to Britain, they began calling themselves Wizards and Witches.

Your half-sister Britania, one of Posioden's beloved daughters was the first leader of this world, and all of great Britain, she wanted to be the protector of this land, she and her demigod brother King Arthur united these lands and while the peace wasn't eternal, it was a good start for Britania who ruled the lands whilst she trained Merlin to be the most powerful Wizard and the only one who knew about the existence of gods in the entirety of Wizarding history and was sworn to secrecy.

They realized that normal humans were growing fearful of them and slowly they fell into the shadows and disappeared into myths and legends, but they are still very much alive and thriving in a hidden civilization whose heart resides in London."

Percy stared into Hectate's eyes even after her eyes returned to normal, processing the information,Hectate smirked, "you can stare at me later."

Percy shook himself out of his thoughts. "So King Arthur was my brother?"

"Yes and Britania was your sister, she eventually fell in love with Arthur and they got married in the afterlife after Arthur found his wife cheating on him."

"weren't they siblings?"

"This is the greek world, plus we don't have any real genetics."

Percy just continued looking mildly sick but continued none the less "and Excalibur was real?"

"Yes but no one knows where it is right now, it is lost to the sands of time."

"and what exactly is the problem in the wizarding world?"

Hectate's eyes turned back to the movie eyes, "An evil Wizard by the name of Tom Riddle born out of fake love started a Hitler-style mass murder of Mud bloods, muggles are what wizards call mortals, Mud bloods are wizards born without magical descent, Tom was successful in wiping out 1/10th of the wizarding world before he was killed by a toddler when his spell bounced back due to ancient magic used by the toddler's mom.

However, I expect him to come back and try to restart his reign of terror. I want you to make an example and brutally kill him and his followers."

Percy just nodded.

"When one story ends, another begins"

AN: This is a very specific type of story and I hope that I can make the chapters longer with time.

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