Chapter 1

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Hi so welcome to the truth about our family   so the image is who's POV it is  

Hi guys Imma rewrite cuz this chapter was horrible

Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz My alarm goes off. I bolt upright I didn't wake up early enough I have to get my hair and makeup done quickly now so I grab my Opal comb stick it in my hair and put blush, mascara and lip gloss on. I double-check that I look okay and run down the stairs.

"Good morning Biana," Mom greets

"Good morning, everyone," I replied

Fitz smirks and raises his eyebrows "It looks like somebody dressed up for somebody" He sings

"Oh shut up" I slap him from across the table. As I grab some green, purple, black, red, and yellow mush from the grand platter. I smile remembering that Alvar's wife Fife and kids, and Baysan, are staying with us. (Y/N I'll explain later, It's all part of my grand plan)

"Come on, Why don't you just tell him" Fitz sounds like a 2 year old.

"Do you even know who I like?" I retort.

"Mhmmmm Tam," He smirks teasing lacing his voice.

"Sorry, WHAT" I yell while turning up my open hands, with fingers spread apart and hands slightly curved and relaxed. Then I move both hands back and forth simultaneously while furrowing my brow as you question, 'What?' This is the sign for what in sign language. Everybody except Dad knows this in our house. " I mean I like him but as a friend please don't tell me Marella started gossiping about this"

"Pretty much" Fitz answers blushing a tiny bit.

'Mission accomplished' I think proudly. Then groan

"She probably likes Jensi" Dad decides he's going to join in this conversation.

" Once again. Ew. At this point you know you are never going to guess who I like" I sigh in exasperation. I go to my room, grab all of my books then I go to the leap master "Please don't malfunction on me" I look at it Than say "Foxfire" and of course, it has to malfunction on me. I sigh. That means it's going to do this all day it's my forest day. Pros of Forest Day my birthday is in two days and Fitz's is in three. Cons, Malifuitons of most tech, I have no control over my emotions, and music is constantly playing in the back of my mind. I go and walk over to the well, and look in. The water shows my reflection. I adjusted my green uniform. (Y/N What year is Biana in again I forget If someone could tell me in the comments that would be extremely helpful) I start gently humming to the beat of Warrior by Hannah Keer(Y/N I picked this song though it's a Christian song because it has the lyrics Every scar on my skin, Is a beautiful reminder, Of a moment when I didn't give in, And I walked through fire.) Flowers, of every colour you can imagine and more, bloom. I picked a periwinkle. Dex's face floods my mind his dimpled cheeks, periwinkle eyes and strawberry blonde hair. I smile, But then, like a bucket of cold water, reality hits me. 'Dex is a Dizzee, and my dad would never allow me to date someone from that family' I shake my head, scolding myself. 'No, Biana, get ahold of yourself,' I silently admonish. 'Dex is off-limits. Dad's rules are clear.'

"Lex slow down," A very familiar voice says launching my stomach into epic summersault mode 

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