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I think to better understand the situation, you need to understand who Tamara is.
Or who people perceived her to be.

Tamara was skinny and pasty.
Her skin was so dry it looked like it could flake off. She had no time to waste smoothing butters and creams on her skin. Her elbows and knees were ashen from propping herself up on them while anxiously reading novels.

Her hair was ratty yet surprisingly long. It resembled one long fluffy braid that appeared like a rat-tail that had been teased too many times.

Her face was "acceptable" as she deemed it, normal enough to survive judgemental society but, plain enough to shield her from being hit on constantly. Her nose was slightly too broad, her pores were sometimes visible, she had a small patch of pimples, and had some acne scars. Her eyes always garnered dark circles from late study sessions and her nose had marks from her glasses.

She was incredibly tall standing an intimidating 6 feet but, had terrible posture. Her feet were much too big to fit in any fairy tale glass slipper and were closer in size to that of Bigfoot. Her arms were disproportionate hanging from her sides aimlessly to just above her knee caps. She had no curves and a rather tomboyish shape. She looked like the reflection you would find in a distortion mirror at a circus.

The one redeeming quality that made her bearable though, were the eyes she hid behind wooden frames. They were green and shaped like almonds. Little mighty swirls of color, with flecks of mahogony. They were encompassed by thick dark lashes that jutted out like feathers.

Her eyes crinkled when she laughed, fluttered closed when she was tired, winked inconspicuously and always held a great mystery.

All in all Tamara was quite the spectacle. A marvel, a freakish spectacle of beauty and monster, grace and mistake, science-experiment gone wrong and cuteness.

In the simple terms:
Tamara was unique.
One of a kind,
Un-replicable (not that anyone wanted to "recreate her look").
Tamara was just Tamara.

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