15. Midterm Season

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Also dedicated to: 

Soon enough it was midterms.

This meant that there was no time for rendezvous' and suddenly every waking moment was spent in libraries, heads bent over textbooks writing furiously. 

Midterms season meant that Sam could no longer fawn over Tamara. And the only acknowledgment between the two were head bobs and accidental arm brushing in the hallways. 

But, time was barreling on and suddenly there were only 5 days until spring break. 

And then 3 days...

And then 1 ...

And then 0 ...

And then suddenly Tamara and Sam were both, boarding a Boeing 77 to Paris, with the rest of their French class.  


And then they were coincidentally (even though Sam was pretty sure she'd seen Tamara bribe another girl) seated side by side, their knees accidentally jostling against each other. 


And then suddenly 1hr an 21 minutes later Sam awoke to find her head on Tamara's lap, being subconsciously stroked as Tamara watched "Call Me by Your Name"


sorry for taking so bloody long to update! I wasn't blowing y'all off, I was just having some serious writer's block. Thanks for bearing with me <3


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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2018 ⏰

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