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Taehyun's POV

I feel the cold breeze on me despite the fact that I was wearing my finest cloak in my given dresser

"The seasons are very unnatural these past few days, I wonder if father had noticed and took some time to prepare for possible natural disasters.", I said to myself as I walked with speed

Speed not enough to call my pace 'running', that's for sure

I was passing by some establishment built inside the palace walls

All of a sudden I pass by the court as I felt my chest tighten, I saw father enjoying the dance some performers had prepared

I looked away and fixed the hood of my cloak, I have no time to see them goof around while my chest burden be

I still feel suffocated, perhaps like a butterfly captured inside a jar only for it to be left to die.

I decided that my pace is not enough, for some people are leaving the court

I take my chances down below, I don't need to be seen right now

"Why was father and mother holding a silly wedding ceremony for me without my notice anyways? Did they really think I would agree to such nuisance to my ruling?", I ranted as I finally exited the Palace walls

Surprisingly enough, there were no guards on duty

This made me rather confused than thankful, shouldn't our royal guards be on stake at all times?

I didn't think much of it for now, I successfully passed the Palace's walls were all that I could suddenly think of. Now it's the whole Kingdom's turn.

But before I take a step I froze

"The way around here are things I do not know. Fof father did not let me stroll around the Kingdom with him.", I said as I sighed

I can't ask for anyone else's help. They clearly would turn me in the second they notice I'm prince Taehyun

I have read some maps and waypoints back in the library, but those were some things I was sure I wouldn't use

"Why did I think it was useless back then?", I scolded myself as I looked around

I had no choice but to go with it.

I walked straight ahead the dirt pathway as I try my best to keep my cloak clean to avoid anyone in the castle noticing dirt stains on my cloak

No one should know that I've disobeyed His Majesty, I could be greatly punished is all I know if someone ever found out.

I fixed the hood of my cloak once again, that's when I saw different paths as well as signs saying which way is which

I was a bit confused on which way I should go

The name's are rather long and are mouthful to say, these would honestly pass as tongue twisters some entertainers back in the Palace would say

I tried to stop my furrowed eyebrows, but I am just so lost at the moment

That's when I saw a tiny sign below all the over lapping signs

'Exit to the MOA kingdom'

I was delighted to see the sign as I quickly looked around only to find people busy doing their own everyday things

I quickly walked towards the direction to where the sign was pointing at

"Whoever made that sign surely knows the way... I deeply hope so.", I said slowly doubting the sign

It was starting to get a bit dark and the dirt pathway was slowly starting to disappear

"Father really didn't let anyone leave without His Majesty's permission...", I said a bit worried now

"Taehyun, you obviously can't turn back now. You're a bit way too far into your plan already!", I said trying to push back the worried feelings

I feel like something was going to happen, and that something is certainly up to no good.

"I wonder if this really is a bad idea after all."

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