Chapter 3 - Where our story starts

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Marinette groaned as the alarm broke through her slightly...heated dream of her and Chat. She slammed her hand onto the alarm clock, instantly shutting it up. She snuggled back into the covers, and began snoring again. Just a mere few seconds later, Sabine whipped the blankets off Marinette, and gently shook her. 

"Marinette dear, you'll be late for school...the 3rd time this week. And it's only Wednesday." Sabine sighed as she attempted to wake Marinette and failed. Suddenly, she had an idea. She whispered into Marinette's ear,

"Chat Noir is here to woo you Marinette~~" 

Btw she knows Mari is Ladybug bcoz Grandfather Fu told her, so she knows Marinette is dating Chat.

Marinette was up immediately, and slid down the ladder, only to slip on one of her pencils. She fell straight onto her bottom, and winced. "I probably have another bruise now."

Sabine chuckled and helped Marinette up. "I don't know how you'll cope with a ballgown on your coronation."

"Yes well..." Marinette faltered, remembering Bridgette once again. She sighed and went down to get ready. Sabine went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Marinette wore her signature design, her white flowery top and black jacket, her pink leggings and her slip on baby pink shoes. 

She put her purse around her neck and slipped a cookie into it for Tikki, before grabbing a box of macarons and kissing her mother's cheek. "Bye mama!" She rushed out of the door, nearly tripping over. She ran all the way to school, and arrived just as the caretaker was about to close the door. He gave her a look that said, "Again?" and let her in before locking the entrance doors. Marinette gave him a macaron and rushed to her classroom, bursting in with a hurried, "Sorry miss won't happen again!" She sat next to her best friend, Alya, who gave her a knowing look. "Up late again?" 

She also knows LB's identity, and also, even though there is no villain, Ladybug and Chat Noir protect the city from normal crimes like theft and stuff, so they still patrol sometimes. 

"Mhm." Marinette handed Alya some macarons, and they both snacked on it until the bell rang for lesson. 

Ms Bustier clapped her hands. "Class, I have some very exciting news! As you all know, we won a class trip due to us being the best class for the science project, so Mr Damocles said we could go to China. In addition to that, the...former King of China invited us to see the Princess's coronation. Isn't that wonderful?" She said, beaming. The class erupted and began talking amongst themselves, wondering what the princess looked like. 

"Class, class! Settle down! So, since the coronation is next week, a few days after Marinette's birthday, we will leave tomorrow on the private jet the royal family allowed us to use. Therefore we have a half day to prepare for tomorrow. Now, please turn to page 53 of your English literature books and write down your own analysis of the poem using the example on page 54 as a guide."


At lunch time, Marinette, Alya, Nino and Adrien walked into the cafeteria to see a crowd gathered near Lie-la. Marinette rolled her eyes. Lying Tongue was up and running again. She went closer to hear.

"-Oh it's so wonderful, I can see my bestie again! I asked her for the private jet for you all, I'm so happy she received my message." Lie-la told everyone.

Marinette scoffed, and Alya raised her brow. "Why do you hate her so much?"

Marinette scoffed again. "Because all that comes out of her mouth is a lie.

She dragged her friends to a table far from Lie-la.


Marinette went home and immediately confronted her parents.

"Why did you invite my whole class for the coronation?" she asked Sabine. 

"Ask your grandfather, he told Grandma to send an invite to your class." Sabine said, waving a table cloth.

"Right. Of course he did." Marinette sighed, and grabbed a pastry from the table, before running up to her room. "Also..." She hesitated.

"Hmm?" Sabine replied, wiping the dished. 

"Can I tell Alya? I trusted her with my identity, I'm sure she can know."

"Well, then you can." Sabine smiled, and looked at her daughter. "If you trust them, then I trust them too."

"Thanks Mom...And where's Dad?" Marinette suddenly noticed his disappearance.

"Oh, he's gone to get more supplies for the bakery." Sabine said, and started cleaning the tables.

Marinette raced up to her room, and immediately messaged her two bffs and Nino.

[Team Besties: Alya and Marinette]

*Marinette has added Nino*
*Nino can not see chat history*
[13: 41] Marinette: Hey guys!

[13:41] Alya: Uh...Mari, we just finished school. What's so
important that you have to message us straight away?

[13:43] Nino: Did you ask Aunt Sabine about....y'know...?
Is that why you messaged us?

[13:43] Marinette: Yep. And Mom said ok.
So...can you come over? Like...right now?

[13:44] Alya: Sure.

[13:47] Nino: I'm already here.
Well, I'm by the park. But same thing.

[13: 47] Alya: What about Adrien? 

[13:48] Marinette: Uh...Because I only wanna tell you.
And before you say anything, Nino already knows from
before hand, that's why he's allowed. Otherwise I 
wouldn't call him.

[13:48] Alya: Ok, got it girl. See ya

[13: 50] Nino: I'll just come in with Alya.

Marinette put her phone away and looked at Tikki nervously. What if Alya stopped being her friend after she found out? 

"Don't worry, she won't hate you." Tikki said, as if reading her mind. Marinette sighed, and waited nervously on her chaise, twisting her ribbon around her finger nervously. Suddenly the trapdoor opened and she jumped, to which Alya gave her an "are you ok" look. Nino clambered in after Alya. They sat on the chaise, and Mari looked at Nino nervously. Nino just shrugged and scratched his neck.

"Soo...what's up?" Alya said, looking between Nino and Marinette, slightly suspicious. "'re not cheating on me with my bff, are y-" She was cut off by a loud yelp.

"Holy cricket no!" Nino exclaimed, while Marinette choked on air. Marinette regained her breath after a few seconds, and opened her mouth.

"I-I...Imtheprincessofchinaandninosmycousinan-" Marinette mumbled quickly, and looked down, wincing.

Alya frowned. "There's such thing as spaces between words y'know."

Marinette sighed. "I'm the Princess of China, and Nino's my cousin." She looked up from her lap, and smiled weakly. 

What will Alya say?

Purr count: 1043


Bug Out!

Amina Moonlight ~

Published: 04/05/2023 09:46am

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