Arc 4: The Curry Incident

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AN: Yes I named this arc over one single event that happened in the past and is mildly referenced in this chapter, deal with it. I didn't wanna name it after all the depresso shit in here.

Hitoshi woke up around 8am, wanting a coffee but deciding against it. He didn't wanna disturb the sleeping Pikachu led against him. He did, however, adjust his arm slightly to stop it from going dead. This caused a protest from the still-sleeping Denki. "Don't go..." He mumbled, still completely out of it. Hitoshi smiled softly and whispered "I'm not going anywhere..." It was another half an hour or so before Denki finally began to wake up. Hitoshi put his phone down and said good morning. Denki made an attempt to respond but instead of the good morning he meant to say, he simply looked at Hitoshi and said "gay." There was silence for a moment before they both burst out laughing. "I meant good morning but gay works too-" He had a blush to his cheeks as he hid his face in the pillow. "I mean I'll accept either answer." Hitoshi laughed lightly. Denki lifted his head just enough to see Hitoshi's eyes, stared into them and repeated "gay." The older boy was on the verge of a laughing fit as he spoke. "I know I am, so are you." Denki stuttered for a moment before caving in. "Eh- can't argue with that one" he said before flopping back down into the pillow. "There's no escape from the gay Denks-" the boy looked up again. "I wouldn't want to anyway, cos then I wouldn't have you" Hitoshi smiled. "That's cute. I wouldn't wanna escape the gay either." All of a sudden there was a knock at the door and Mic popped his head round to see the pair snuggled up together. "Well I'm sorry to interrupt you two but... pancakes?" He produced a plate of pancakes from behind his back, instantly drawing the hungry electric boy's attention. "Oo yes please! Thank youuuu!" He took the plate happily. "Thank you sir!" Denki was still very much in the habit of referring to his teachers as sir, even when out of school. Denki sat up, focused on the pancakes. "Trust me Denks, these pancakes might just be the best thing you will ever taste in your life." Denki didn't need telling twice as he started wolfing down his share of pancakes like he hadn't been fed in years. "These- are fuckin' amazing." Hitoshi nodded. "I told you- they're god tier," Hitoshi ate some but was never one to have a large appetite so stopped not long after. "I'm gonna have a quick shower, I'll be back in a few minutes." Denki nodded, still munching away on his pancakes. Once the bathroom door locked, Denki quickly changed, making sure he put on another long sleeved shirt. He didn't want Hitoshi to notice the state he was in, and he didn't have time to put his makeup on. About 10 minutes later, Hitoshi returned wearing black jeans and his Gengar hoodie. His hair was still wet and down as he took a seat. "I- I've never seen you with your hair down before- I wont lie, I kind of thought it went up automatically." He laughed embarrassedly. "Huh-? Oh yeah... Well it stays up unless its wet or I purposefully make it stay down. I don't really keep it down cos it doesn't look all that great and for another reason but it's embarrassing-" He laughed slightly. "Tell meeee-"  Hitoshi was adamant against telling Denki but the blond boy pulled out his signature puppy dog eyes. "Okay okay I'll tell you-" Denki smiled and celebrated. "When I was 10, I really looked up to Aizawa so uh- I started putting it upwards because of him when he uses his quirk-" Hitoshi went slightly red now he'd said it out loud.  "That's so sweet!" Denki cooed. "And he doesn't know that so keep it hush. I don't feel like being overly embarrassed today." Denki laughed "That's understandable, I mean it is kind of fanboying over your dad so-" He pulled at the neck of his shirt, finally registering how hot it was. "God it's boiling-" Hitoshi nodded, doing the same with his hoodie. "Yeah it is, I probably shouldn't be wearing a hoodie-" Denki, being blunt as he sometimes was, simply said "Take it off then-" Hitoshi shook his head violently. "Why not?" Hitoshi avoided all eye contact as he responded with "No reason," hastily. "Then- I'm confused?" Denki tilted his head before a feeling of dread washed over him. Could it be the same reason as me? He thought to himself sadly. "It's nothing Denks-" That sentence is what made Denki know it definitely was something. "Okay... you don't have to say anything if you don't want to, but I'm here if you need me and I don't judge, you know that." The blond boy looked to his own arms subconsciously. "I just don't want to worry anyone- I'm fine." Those two sentences alone were contradictory as all hell. "I'll always worry about you, it's part of the job. I care, and worrying is part of caring." Hitoshi smiled a bit when Denki said he cared. As much as he already knew that, it was reassuring to hear. Denki smiled back and held his sleeves in his hands as he reached over to hug him. "Hey- so we've just established it's really hot, what's with the long sleeves again?" Denki hesitated and stumbled over his words for a second. "Just comfy-" Hitoshi didn't believe that for a second. "You sure?" Denki looked down, now it was his turn to avert his gaze. "Denki... please talk to me?" He phrased it as a question so as not to force the boy to speak. "I don't know what to say..." He kept his eyes facing down. "Just tell me the truth." Silent tears began to fall as he let go of his sleeves. He was terrified his dad would find out he'd told someone the truth even though it was almost impossible.

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