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𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚎𝚍𝚢 𝙷𝚊𝚜 𝚂𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚌𝚔

"Isn't this pretty?"

I turned my gaze over to Elaine's voice, taking in the dress she was showing to me.

"Oh, yes!" I smiled as I stepped over to her, taking a look at the other dresses on the rack.
"Hey Em, I'm hungry. You want to go to the burger joint across the way? It's beside the bank."
I shrugged and nodded with a smile. "Sure. Let's go." We waved good-bye to the clerk at the front desk of the clothing shop and headed out the door into the colourful, bustling city.

At night, the city came alive with neon signs and flashing colours. It fit the mood for our perfect Friday shopping spree. We started across the street, laughing at some inside joke Elaine made when a noise caught our attention; or rather, multiple noises.

We stood on the curb, looking around in confusion as the sound of screams and alarms began to fill the air. My heart dropped nervously, I realized the sounds were coming from the bank just across the intersecting street to the one we just crossed. Through the condensing crowds, I couldn't really see anything going on, but a few people had began to push and shove their way through the crowd, looking back fearfully.

"Em, what's going on?" Elaine gripped my wrist nervously, looking around. I shook my head in confusion, unable to answer her question. The faint whine of sirens began to float through the air, as well as screeching tires.

And then, the screams increased in both volume and intensity, and I saw the front wave of the crowd collectively begin to surge into a run towards us. It was like a stampede, and we were ushered along with the others as the screeching tires grew louder. I risked a glance behind us, still holding Elaine's hand, and the sight made my heart sink. People were screaming in their terror as they dove for cover or leapt desperately out of the way, and I briefly caught sight of the top of a vehicle before I shrieked, making a desperate dash for the side of the path, onto the grass.

But along the way, I lost grip on Elaine's hand, and I heard her scream before I even had a chance to look back. I was thrown to the side by the masses, landing with a painful thud on the grass. The tire screeching was the loudest ever, as I saw the vehicle causing the sound tear straight over the pathway. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see the fate of those who didn't get out of the way. When the vehicle had disappeared, along with its awful screeching, the air suddenly changed. It was filled with distant screams, horrid cries, and heartwrenching sobs.


Her name left my mouth before I knew I spoke it. The crowd was mostly on the grass with me, or on the other side of the street, and car horns and sirens added to the ambience of the situation. I saw the aftermath of the car barreling through the crowd, and I shuddered.

But that's when I saw her.

Her body on the path just beside the grass, clothing torn and tattered.

(Minor TW: Very brief mentions of blood)

I let out a horror-stricken cry even I didn't know I could produce, as I fell on my knees beside her. Her entire body was coated in a sheen of red, her eyes closed and body still.
I shrieked, pulling her up into my arms and vigorously shaking her, screaming for her to wake up.

But she didn't. Her sleep was eternal now.

I hardly remembered the rest of that night. My head throbbed and throat ached from yelling and crying, and blurry images of people and flashing red and blue lights danced across my vision. But one thought stuck with me that night.

That I was going to find out whoever did this, and make them pay.

(A/N: I made the prologue slightly short so I can get the basic setting of the story across without it being too boring! Hope you enjoy!!)

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