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I think the problem with me is that I forget all the important things. They just fade from my mind when I need them most. My nightmares say otherwise-

But I never remember those.

So when I got home and my mun asked how my day was, I responded with, "Yeah, it was okay, the normal."

And later when she asked if I was okay spending the night alone because she wanted to catch up with Mel, I said yes. Even added an "I'll be fine."

Its about now that I regret that decision.

During the beginning of my brisk walk home I was stressing and looking behind me every second just to check nothing was going to jump out and kill me. About halfway through the walk though, I'd convinced myself if was a daydream and slowly started to settle. By the time I walked calmly through my front door, all was put out of mind and I was good.

Didn't think about it after that.

Until now.

I adjusted my neck so I could see the writing clearer in the mirror. Tilting my head to the side to try and distinguish the red cursive writing that was imprinted on my skin. At the side of my neck, it was here I realised that's where his hands had been.

I shuddered, you don't think?

I pulled out my phone and quickly snapped a picture of the writing. Editing the photo so it was easier to read.
Your days are numbered

I gulped, putting my phone away. My days are numbered? Like I'm gonna die? It was then I registered the date written out. The eighteenth. I counted the months on my fingers. Seventh, August. This month.

Four days from now.

My birthday.

I shook my head. What the hell is happening to me? I quickly turned on the sink tap and frantically splashed cold water onto my face and attempting to scrub off the writing.

I lifted my head, brushing away wet strands of hair and made sure my eyes were telling the truth and the writing was gone. Pen. It was only pen. But how?

I stared at myself in the mirror, directly in the eye. I'm not crazy, I'm not crazy, I'm not crazy-

My reflection winked at me. I screamed and jumped away. When I looked back at the thing in the mirror I found it staring straight back at me with a vindictive smirk on her lips.

I backed up against the wall and screamed again when the door slammed shut. I ran to it and tried to pull it open. It was locked.

"Let me out!" I screeched, turning back to look terrified at the mirror person. They seemed to be laughing at me.

Mouth open and shoulders shaking. Eyes closed and smiling.

It was laughing at me?

As soon as I thought it, the thing stopped, looking up and turning its head towards me, eyes still closed.

A psychotic grin filled its face and it transformed.

Skin paling, hair straightening, teeth growing, and a murky black dreamcatcher tattoo filling out along its jaw.

The feathers swaying back and forth.

Its eyes opened and the scream that tore from my throat rung in even my own ears. The edges of its complete black eyes crinkled in sick amusement and I felt dizzy watching the pitch dark holes in its head swirl chaotically. It was plain black and yet it spun and gleamed with evil.

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