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Hmmm... Dedication today goes to XBeautiful_MistakesX! Awesome person and author! Read their books guys c:
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Light shot forth through my skin, radiating my body like a lamp. Air became dense around me and swirled faster, creating a sort of tornado around me. My hair flapped and my feet lifted off the ground. The charm glowed the brightest, the blue light shrouding the charm itself. The wind around me picked up its pace lifting me higher, the air throbbed with a light blue light. My cheeks felt slightly flushed from the warmth radiating through my body, though the cool refreshing breeze soothed it effortlessly. My hearing consisted of a loud whooshing sound from the wind and my hair flung around my face in a senseless craze. I was levitating off the ground, floating in an array of blue light. I sighed in complete bliss and opened my eyes which I hadn't even realised were closed. My body dropped to the floor and I sat on my knees. The wind dying down so it was only a soft breeze flying leisurely around me. Softly blowing against my messy hair. I raised my hand and brushed some out of my face and gazed at my hand in awe. Blue light pulsed from my skin, not to bright and obvious but visible. I raised my arm to my eye level and gazed at it in complete wonder.

My body tingled and thrummed with what seemed like electricity and my lips parted. I felt ridiculously calm and in control. Like I was part of everything around me. I looked up at where the others were standing metres away from me. Dreadlocks boy had a large smile on his face and even the blonde girl had a slight smile playing at the corners of her lips.

I lent backwards on my hands, my minds spiralling in shock and elation. My eyes scanned across the others. The question tumbling out of my mouth in a senseless daze. "What just happened?" I whispered.

The woman smiled warmly. "You activated your magic for either the first time ever or the first time in a long time." She explained.

"Judging by the strength of it just then." The dreadlocks guy added.

"It was strong because its been bottled up for a long time— since birth or years and years ago. The length stored for the more intense it is when released." The girl chimed in factually.

"That doesn't mean its more powerful just more... Yeah, intense." Drake clarified.

I shook my head. Magic. Could it be real? Was this thrum in my body some sort of power? Could all this nonsense they've been telling me be the truth?

Am I a witch?

I barked out a disbelieving laugh, the sound sarcastic at first then dying down to something softer. Realization clouding it. Morphing the sharp chuckles into something more hysterical. "I'm a witch." I murmured in complete shock. "I'm magic. I'm magic. I have powers." My eyes lifted to the people surrounding me. "I'm a witch!" I yelled. Hysteria was setting in quickly. My eyes wide and a psychotic smile planting its way onto my face. "I. Am. A. Witch. I am a witch." I repeated, uncaring of what they thought of me at that point. My voice suddenly got loud and harsh, "Witches don't exist!" I yelled making the woman frown and dreadlock's brows to furrow. "I don't exist! I'm a mythical creature. I don't exist. I don't belong in this world," I laughed, slightly crazed, before continuing that sentence. "Because I'm not real! I'm a thing from fairy tales! Lies that children's mothers told them!" I shouted out, fear flooding my voice. Fear of what I was. "Or maybe I'm from a fucking nightmare because I don't know whether this is okay or not! How is this real. How am I here with magic. HOW CAN YOU TELL ME SUCH CRAZINESS!" I screeched, standing up and grabbing a lamp off a nearby table, my strength more than anticipated as the power cord ripped out from the sudden harsh movement. I threw it in their direction. The girl dodged and ducked away from where it landed. Her movement distancing her away from Drake.

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