Introduction: Teyvat

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The war has already begun. It is just a continuation of past battles.
The gods goad us on with the promise of their seven treasures. Rewards for the worthy. The doorway to Divinity. Yet buried in the dephts of this world lies smoldering remains. A warning to those who dare tresspass.
"That throne in the sky is not reserved for you."
But mortal arrogation never stops.

None will escape the flames.
See for yourself.

Teyvat's history. A tale of two siblings born in a land out of the Gods' reach.

The boy was destined to become heir to the throne of this land. The girl, instead, was cursed to a dark ending: avenge the throne and bring the continent into destruction and despair.

Sarah and Kaeya Alberich, children of Khaenri'ah, were just kids when their Nation was destroyed by the gods that ruled the rest of the continent.

The Raiden Gokaden,
And an Unkown God, who presented herself as the sustainer of Heavenly Principles.

Theese names were embedded in Khaenri'ah's ruins, their fate written in the ley lines of Irminsul.

History talks about a Cataclysm, five-hundred years ago, that wiped out a whole nation.

Khaenri'ah, a Nation of heretics and scientists, nation of Rhinedottir, the creator of the Art of Khemia, a type of Alchemy capable of creating human life without the power of a God.
Thus this power went to her head.
Her ambition preceeded her.
Wicked creatures started to roam the lands, thus this lent to Khaenri'ah's fall.

This is the story of Sarah Alberich. A princess. A common human born to be a Deity-slayer, her fate forced to be a cold-blooded killer of Celestial Gods.
Or perhaps, the story of a blonde Khaenri'ahn Captain, Fated to eternally preserve the branch, in which was embedded a much more fundamental Fate: the one of a little blonde girl, who came from another world and was adopted by Rhinedottir, who's mind was corruptted by the Abyss, her destiny swayed into death and devastation.
Or even... the story of a blue-haired boy, who's life got abandoned to a foreign land, to take information from an enemy, to take out the Land of Freedom from Barbatos' hands?

Only Time will be able to tell who's the true protagonist.

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