Extra 2: Voicelines

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A/N:hey readers, Alinea here. Just a lil skit that came in my mind at 2 am in a weird monday night. Since Sarah has a Vision now, why not?

Oh, Traveler! Hi. Wait. You remember me, right? Hope we didn't start.. oh. You remember. Nevermind then.

Chat: Standby
What? I didn't petrify you. Why are you not moving? Let's get going.

Chat: Nothing to do
Seems we've done everything today. Meh, imma go practice my shield, if you'll excuse me.

When it rains: Hydro Dragon
I heard that rain is brought on Teyvat by the Hydro Dragon weeping.
Hydro Dragon, Hydro Dragon... Don't cry...

When the rain stops
Someone found a way to laugh, huh.

When it snows
Surely would be a great time for one of Kaeya's ghost stories.

When it's windy
Get a hold on Paimon. Wouldn't want her blown away somewhere by the wind. Haha.

Hey, hey! Get your butt up! We got work to do.

Good afternoon
I made some meatballs. Want some?

Good evening
Awh, look at that sunset... truly marvelous.

True Moon shines upon pure spirits.
Goodnight, sleepyhead.

About Sarah
Huh? What was i doing when we were separated back at the Spiral Abyss? Heh. I bet your sister is still mad at that.

About us: protecting
My Vision tells it as it is. I'm a shield from all kinds of damage. Even the emotional kind. I hope.

I earned it doing what i do best. Protecting others.
If you ever need protection, i'm the one to ask.

Something to share
Kaeya always tries to talk you into trying wine? That rascal... well, just know i'm on your side about that.
No, no don't get me wrong, i like wine but... ehh...

Interesting things (Unlocks after Fontaine's Archon quest "To the Stars Shining in the Depths")
I wonder what would happen to you if you were to dive deep down in the Primordial Water. Hmm... who knows, maybe you'd be immune to it, not being from Teyvat.

About Kaeya
He's older than me. Not much, but he's the big brother, even if i'm the responsible one between us.

About Dainsleif
He's... probably one of the few reasons i'm still alive and well. I owe him big for having saved me multiple times.
What? What do you mean by "is that everything"? Yeah, that's it. Why, what did you expect me to say? What? No, no no. No no no. You got it wrong. He's a friend.

About Skirk
She's the best butt-saver you could ever hope to meet. A wonderful and graceful warrior, and a delight to have around. I swear if i were just a bit younger she could be my mother.
Huh? Well, she's actually only **** years older than me. So nope, she's my best friend. But i see her as a sister.

About Childe
When he fell in the Abyss and Skirk found him, i was with them. I had some time off from Father's jobs, so i decided to spend some time down there with Skirk.
He learns fast, but with just a small amount of time, he was corrupted, even if minimally. He turned into a bloodthirsty murderer. And that's not how me and Skirk wanted our first "son" to turn out.
Sometimes i just wish we kept him away from that... ugh. You know what? Nevermind.

About Lumine (Or Aether, depending on the Abyss sibling)
After Skirk explained how actually things went on her, with the whole "fake Khaenri'ahn Alchemy product" thing and the fake her, a lot of pieces popped in place. I just hope we'll be able to save her in time.
(Just sobstitute the pronouns for Aether)

About Neuvillette and Wriothesley (SPOILER)
You're asking me if i know them? Well, i happen to have stumbled across Iudex Neuvillette and Duke Wriothesley a couple times at the Fortress of Meropide, when i went to search for that idiot Childe in the Primordial Sea.
No results, but atleast i got to meet the Hydro Dragon in person. Haha. Wriothesley even offered me tea.

Favourite food
I don't really have a favourite, but give me coffee and i'll be at your mercy.

Least favourite food
Euck. Vegetables. Bleah.

Skill: I, II, III
Take cover!
Get behind me!

Burst: I, II, III
For I shall see your demise!
Burst in shards!
Forsten!! (Petrify in Norwegian)

Opening a Treasure Chest I,II,III
Hm, seems our efforts paid off.
Better than nothing.
Hope theese will last for tonight.

Joining Party I,II,III
Something you can't face?
The he goes.(There she goes)
Told you to learn to dodge.

I might add more, idk.

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