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Hola, My name is Frida Lopez Sully. I lived on earth, in Mexico. A long time ago my home it was filled of life, trees plants and animals. But thanks to people of greed and money, now their is barely enough air, and the water is becoming dirty. And almost all of the animals have become extinct.
So back to my life I live in Mexico, in a run down town. I had a mama and a papa. They were the best parents I could asks for, both of their families are all dead. My papa mama, her name was grandma coco. She would watch me when my parents are at workShe died of old age, I was four years old. And my papa he was murder by soliders. I was six years old.
So my mama decided to leave Mexico and move to America. She had help with an old friend off hers, Jenna sully.
Jenna was a nice woman and has twin sons, Jake and Tom Sully.
We soon became close friends and acted like brothers and sister. We would always play with each other. And I would always have fun, learning with Tom.
Pandora the home planet of the Navi people. It was a beautiful planet and of people and animals. So I learn how to speck navi and its planet's and animals.
Because one day I want to go their, and to start a new life.
And when I turned Ten my mama died, of sickness, so the the sully's took me in.
It was fun, Tom and Jake were protective big brothers.
Frida went to school and go a degree in plants and Medicine.
And her and Tom learned on the planet, pandora.
But when they were about to go in a week to pandora.
Then tragity struck

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