Chapter Seventeen: Make Some Noise

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Lights hung low, strung across tree's and canopies. Rory grabbed Jamie by the hand, bringing her into her world. Stopping by a table that was decorated in jewelry, Rory grabbed an emerald and black stoned bracelet, draping it across Jamie's wrist. "It fits your aesthetic."

Jamie giggled as Rory paid the jeweler and weaved around the festival, dragging her along like an excited kid in a toy store. She bought Jamie almost one of everything, a wooden carved wolf, a scarf, a sweater.

When Rory purchased a ring, she got down on one knee. Most everyone ignored her and kept moving forward in a buzz of noise. "Jamie, dear Jamie, will you continue to be my bride till death?"

Shaking her head, Jamie exceeded her hand out. "Of course, Jamie, I wouldn't live my life any other way."

"We already know you've stained your bloodline with a fae, there's no reason to make a big show of it," someone in the crowd stated, booing at them.

Rory placed the ring on Jamie's finger and turned around. Her ears twitched waiting for the next sound the bastard made. "Stained? More like salvaged. The Shadow's have been falling for far too long. Excuse me for having a hotter wife than you."

Jeers broke out as offense broke off across a very large wolves face. The man stood up and stalked over to Rory, getting in her space. "It's bad enough that you choose not to continue your families blood line, but to involve a fae is shameful." His brown curls shook as he spoke with vigor. "It would have been better if she died on that stage."

Rory snarled and leapt forward, tackling the wolf to the ground. "You take that back!" She threw a punch which connected with his jaw. "You bastard!"

The wolf threw her off and landed a hit in her stomach. "Never."

Someone around the edge started wandering around, taking beats.

Taking off her jacket, Rory tossed it to her wife and cracked her neck side to side. The action signified an invitation to an official fight, as per werewolf rules.

Her attacker took off his coat, tossing it to a comrade, accepting the legal fight.

"Whoever falls the the ground and doesn't get up for twenty counts loses," one of his werewolf buddies reminded them. "Everything goes, but no lethal force like guns or knives. Claws are allowed. And start."

Rory's instincts kicked in as the wolf charged her, she ducked his next swing and slashed across his middle with her claws.

He tried to sweep her legs out from under her.

Rory easily evaded, leaping over his swing and landing a kick to the side of his knee on the way down. A loud crack was followed by his screams.

Not wasting a moment, Rory kicked his other leg, bringing him to his knee's, then wrapped her arm around his throat to cut off his airway.

The wolf struggled beneath her until he collapsed in her arms and she dropped his unconscious body to the ground.

Jamie stood on the sidelines, accepting cash from everyone who beat against Rory. Rory laughed, that was just like her to use this for gain rather than worry about her getting hurt in a fight.

Rory went to move forward, but before she could, someone grabbed her by the back of her shirt. She whirled around to come face to face with her father. He was not happy. At all.

"What were you thinking bringing your wife here? Do you know how bad that looks on our status?" He snarled.

A slowly gathering crowd perked their ears to listen to the entire drama. Rory noticed, but she didn't care.

"Fuck the status, I've never cared about it. Take your old, stupid ideals and shove them up your ass!" Rory cried, jerking out of his grasp.

Whisperings broke out with the way she was talking to a councilman.

"Rory. . . We should go. It's not worth it," Jamie whispered, getting closer.

"No, you have every right to be here, this asshole needs to listen," Rory growled.

Her father's face grew dark and shadowed. "The Shadow's are your bloodline. Know where your loyalties lie."

"I know where my loyalties are." Rory stepped closer, wiping her bloody claws off on her shit. "I would choose her." She gestured to Jamie. "I love that fae more than any wolf in this territory." Stepping up on her toes to appear taller, Rory got the closest she could to her father's face. "If she gets sentenced poorly tomorrow, I will slaughter everyone who wishes her harm."

"Mind you tongue," her father spat, backhanding her across the face, sending her head spinning. "Should I arrest you under suspicion of retaliation?"

That wasn't the first time he'd hit her. But it was the first time he'd done so in public. Let the people talk, maybe he'd get demoted. Rory snarled, lifting her hand to strike back.

Jamie grabbed Rory by the wrist and pulled her away. "You can't talk like that." She walked a good distance with her to be out of ear shot of all of those who had gathered. "I know you're defending me, but it's only going to make things worse." She put her hand to Rory's stinging cheek, her dark eyes searching desperately. "For once, Rory, get your head out of your ass and think about the consequences."

All the anger deflated from Rory's body when Jamie's fear reflected in the depths of her gaze. She reached up to grab her wives trembling hand. "I'm sorry for getting out of hand. I didn't mean to scare you."

Music started behind them, near the newly set up dance floor draped in lights.

Jamie set down all the gifts Rory had gotten her in a safe place and extended her hand. "Dance with me."

Taking her wive's hand in her own, Rory stepped onto the dance floor, taking in Jamie's scent, watching the way her hair flowed as she moved so fluid and freely. Nothing could compare to the beautiful woman she held at arms length. In this life, nor the next, Rory wished for nothing more.

Sadness tugged at her chest as the music slowed and she pulled Jamie in, holding her close, swaying to the rhythm. Tonight could be the last night they had. With everything hanging over in the air, stacking up against them, Rory never wanted to leave this moment, she never wanted to be anywhere outside of in the embrace of the woman she loved.

This couldn't be how it ended. This couldn't be how they ended. Rory stroked Jamie's back, one with the music, one with her. There had to be something she could do, anything to ensure that this wouldn't end the life they had planned.

If Rory was able to get Jamie to the sacred grounds and perform the ritual, she would not only save her wife, but everyone endangered by Ain's plans.

Rory wanted to live in the moment, to take in everything, but she couldn't. This wasn't where the story ended, she wouldn't let it happen.

After the dance was over, they retired back to Rory's apartment, clearing the dust from the sheets and laying down together in silence.

Jamie laid on Rory's chest, clinging tightly to her arm. It was clear from her quick breaths that she was anxious, having nightmares as she often did.

Enough had happened, Rory refused to let any harm come to Jamie, no matter the consequences. She took her phone from her pocket, texting with one hand.

"If the trial goes wrong, I need back-up to get Jamie out. Meet you at the forests edge of the territory, come armed." - Rory

"We'll be ready.  Thank you for protecting my daughter. I couldn't have asked for a better daughter-in-law." - Servil

There was a pause of silence before another ping followed.

"We will do the ceremony after you two escape. With what Ain's planning, there is no time to lose."

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