chapter twelve

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Hollie and Mandy were sitting on the couch playing video games when Hollie's cellphone beeped. "Give me a minute," she said and put the controller down.

Dad: "I just got home from prison. Where are you? I need you to take care of Penelope."

Hollie closed her cellphone and threw it out the window. "What the fuck?!" Mandy yelled.

"Don't worry about it. I'm gonna go to Lip's house," she said before getting off the sofa.

"Was that your dad?" Mandy asked.

"Who?" Mickey asked, leaving his room.

"Nobody. I said don't worry about it."

"Do you live here or something?" Mickey asked. "Yes, she does," Mandy answered for her.

"Bye!" she said before leaving and closing the door behind her.

She began walking to Lip's house when she saw Betty biking towards her.


"You know when I asked you that night if you were running away I didn't think you'd actually do it," Betty said.

"Well, I did. What are you here for? Wanna drag me back home?" Hollie asked.

"No. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I haven't see you in two days," she said.

"I'm fine. How's everyone else?"

"Annie's still upset about what dad did. Mom is the same. James and Allen are fine but they miss you. Penelope is the same and dad just got released from jail," she explained.

"And you?" "Just peachy."


Hollie sat on the couch with Lip, watching the musical Grease together. "How was your morning?" Lip asked, while kissing her neck.

"How about we skip the small talk with some actual sex?" Hollie flirted.

"I'm fine with that," he smirked.

They got undressed and quickly started fucking when they heard the door creak open. "Fuck," Hollie said moving away from Lip and covering herself with her shirt.

"You have a bedroom, Lip," Fiona said, walking into the living room.

"Says the girl who had sex on the stairs last night," Lip snapped back.

Hollie dressed herself as the two talked. "Hallway," Fiona corrected him. "I stand corrected," he said sarcastically.

"Kev and V are on their way with meat sauce," Fi said, putting Liam in his high-chair.

"Is that a euphemism?" Lip joked. "I brought pasta. You can stay for dinner, Hollie," she welcomed her. "They're bringing their foster kid over."

Hollie looked up at Lip. "Foster kid?" she asked him. "Yeah, they rented one basically. Her name's Ethel, I think," he said.

Carl came in through the back door with paint stains and an eye patch. "Paint ball rocks. I had the best day of my life," Carl said as he went up the stairs.

"Did you wear a face gaurd?" Lip asked.


Kevin came through the front door with beers, Ethel, and Veronica.

"Hey, hey, hey. I want you guys to meet our new daughter," he introduced her.

"Foster daughter," V corrected and headed towards the kitchen.

"Why you gotta do that?" Kev asked and followed.

"Let me help you with that," Fi said, grabbing the meat sauce from Veronica.

"I'm Hollie, nice to meet you," she introduced herself. Ethel curstyed. "Right, because it's the 18th century."

"Frankie's home," Frank said, coming in through the front door as Debbie went inside, jumping around.

"Oh my God, I am so wired," Debbie said jumping on the couch.

"Debs, what's going on?" Fiona asked, coming in through the kitchen.

"We got high on sugar because daddy quit drinking," she explained.

"Whose daddy?"

"Me. Daddy. Me, me, me," Frank said, shaking a bag of sugar before chugging it.

"Oh, shit," Lip said. "What?" Fi asked. "He's done this before."

"We gotta help daddy stay busy and keep off of drinking so he can make $3000," Debbie explained.

"Hey, everybody, come here. Gather around," Frank said.

"Wanna leave?" Hollie whispered to Lip. He nodded and grabbed her arm and left the house.


Lip walked Hollie to the Milkovich's house. "So why are you staying with Mandy?" he asked. "It's safer than my own house," she said. "Jesus Christ. That bad?"

She nodded. "Well, take care," he said before walking away. But before he could really leave Hollie pulled his arm and kissed him on the lips.

"That was nice, but.. What was that for?" Lip asked.

"In case things don't go as planned," she explained.

"What do you mean?"

"Night, Lip," she said before heading inside the Milkovich house.

"Hey, where've you been?" Mandy asked, who was sitting on the couch, eating pizza bagels with Mickey and Ian.

"With Lip. Hey Ian," Hollie greeted. He nodded and continued staring at Mickey in awe.

"Well get your fat ass over here. We're playing Zombie Die Hard," Mandy said.

Hollie kicked Mickey's legs out of the way and sat between Ian and Mandy. "Do you like my brother now?" Ian asked. "We'll see, I guess," she said with a smile.

"Hey, when's your birthday?" Mandy asked.

"In two days," she said, grabbing a pizza bagel.

"Lip know?" Ian asked. "Who cares? Not like I celebrate my birthday."

"He'll probably get you something," Ian smiled.

"Stop talking about cheesy shit, faggots," Mickey said, rolling his eyes.

"Do you think your dad is gonna come looking for you?" Mandy asked. "I don't wanna think about that."

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