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Gia's POV:

A week after the incident:
At school:
1:40 PM:

Ramona(whispering): Hey, Gia, do you know the answer to question-

Me(yelling): Ramona, for the last time I'm not helping you on this test!

The whole class turns to look at me and Ramona.

Mr. Robinson: Ramona James, to the principal's office, now!

Ramona: I didn't do anything wrong!

Mr. Robinson(yelling): Get out of my classroom!

With that, Ramona glares at me with daggers in her eyes before exiting the classroom, slamming the door shut behind her.

Mr. Robinson: What are you looking at? Back to work!

I continue working but I can't keep out the fact that Ramona tried cheating off me. Especially because I'm ass at math and she knows it. Oh well, at least I study and get passing grades.

In front of the school:
2:20 PM:

I walk up to my friends to greet them but they ignore me.

Me: What's going on?

Alec: How could you just humiliate Ramona in class like that?

Me: I didn't humiliate her, she bothered me so I put her back in her place.

Theo: That's not what she told us, she said that you did little things like pull her hair, throw some water on her, talk behind her back-

Me: She's such a liar! I never did all of these things!

Ramona: She called me a "racist whore" because I said her skin reminded me of kinder's brown chocolate...

Me: That's because you are one, Ramona! Maybe if you weren't white I'd laugh it off but-

Alec: Why do you have to take everything so seriously, Gigi?

Me: Why are you people so insensitive?!

With that, I storm off in tears. You know what? They don't even deserve my tears. I walk away as far away as I can from them before a hand holds onto my shoulder. I turn around abruptly, seeing Noah with a grin on his face.

Noah: Hey-

Me: Sorry I can't talk right now-

Noah: What's up?

I stop for a second and pull him aside from the crowd of students.

Me: Ramona turned Theo and Alec against me-

Noah: Cool.

Me: What do you mean "cool"? They were my only friends!

Noah: Gia, people come and go, if you want them back, it's your problem but know that they were temporary.

A silence enters the conversation as I see my mother's car park in front of the school.

Me: Can I hang around with you tomorrow?

Noah: Sure.

Me: 'Kay, see you tomorrow!

Noah: See ya.

I enter my mom's car and we drive off to our house.

The next day:
In the bus:
9:07 AM:
*field trip to a museum*

I wake up groggy on someone's shoulder. My face is numb and my arms are hugging another's arm... WAIT WHAT?! I suddenly wake up, surprised to see Noah on my right with Inaya on my left. I WAS SLEEPING ON HIS SHOULDER-

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