Bonus - Part 1

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Gia's POV:

At Danny's house:
9:50 PM:

It's been two years since me and Danny are an item. Right now, I'm in his bed, popcorn between my fingers, waiting for him to come back from the restroom. Bathroom, not restroom, holy smokes, I'm forgetting my Canadian English.

Suddenly, my Prince Charming barges in and closes the door behind him, throwing himself on me. We laugh as we play fight under the window's moonlight. I love this guy so much.

Abruptly, we're interrupted by a knock on his door; it's Hayden.

Hayden: I didn't mean to interrupt, I'm just here for my charger...

He came in and then started to rummage through Danny's stuff.

Hayden: Can you help me find it please?

Danny: Maybe later, take mine for now.

He nods, takes Danny's charger then leaves.

Danny: Where were we?

Me: We were about to watch Big hero 6, but then you left because you were bri-

Danny: Oh right, let's continue.

We bring my computer onto the bed as he goes inside the covers and I put it on our knees.

30 minutes later:

It's been a good 30 minutes and I'm struggling to keep my posture. He's got his hand on my thigh, moving it up and down.

Me: Wanna cuddle?

Danny: Sure.

We place the computer farther away from us and he spoons me, holding me in his arms. I feel all warm inside in his presence. All of a sudden, I don't feel close enough to him, so I move back a little.

Danny: Uh... babe..

Me: Yes?

Danny: Don't do that please...

Me: Why not?

I scoot back again and this time he gets up, rolls me to my back and hovers over me, pinning my hands to his mattress.

Danny: Do you want this? Or do you want to continue the film?

Me: This.

He then proceeds to kiss me passionately on the lips and I kiss him back. I slip in some tongue and he slips in his'. Then, I kiss his neck, nibbling it and we spend the rest of the night in each other's arms.

Two weeks later:
At the cinema:
6:47 PM:

We're on a double date with Graham and his girlfriend, Jayla, watching Spider-Man no way home. It's all fun and games until I suddenly get the urge to throw up. I excuse myself and make my way to the restroom. I look at myself in the mirror and notice I look sleepy.

Suddenly, I gag and feel something coming up. I rush to an empty stall and throw up the popcorn and a meal I had earlier. I feel sick so I continue throwing up until my breakfast comes out and I feel exhausted. I walk to the sink and wash my face, feeling lightheaded.

Once I was done in the washroom, I'd collapse on the floor if it wasn't for Danny waiting for me outside, catching me before I hit the floor.

Danny: Do you want me to take you to your place?

Me: No, I'm okay.

He looks at me up and down and I do the same, frowning. I get up and he plays with my cheeks.

Danny: You're so cute! I just wanna take a bite out of you!

He opened his mouth and leaned close to me as I tried to push him away, giggling. He then stops and I smile at him.

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