Bonus - Part 3

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Gia's POV:

November 25th 2026:
At Gia's and Danny's apartment:
9:38 AM:

I'm covered in sweat, breathing heavily and tired. I wanted to sleep in since it's my birthday, but Danny said I needed to get ready for a surprise. So after getting up, changing the sheets and preparing myself for the day, I joined him downstairs.

Danny: Happy birthday, Gia.

Me: Thanks, Danny.

I kissed him on his forehead before eating my cereal and walking to Portia's with him.

At aunt Ophelia's cottage:
10:14 AM:

There, she drove us for an hour to some place I didn't know. Then, I was blindfolded and led to what seemed like water.

Me: You better not throw me in the water!

Portia: Don't worry, you'll stay dry.

Danny: For the most part.

Me: What?!

I took off the blindfold and my aunt Ophelia with her husband and other members of my, and Danny's, family screamed happy birthday to me. I felt so much joy, I smiled, I knew this was going to be a surprise birthday party but wow, it was so well done. Afterwards, there was pizza and drinks so we ate.

Danny: Are you enjoying the party?

Me: Yes! I love it! Who's idea was it?

Danny: Yours truly.

Me: I love you so much!

Danny: I love you too! Man, I wish I could hug you right now.

Me: Me too...

I kissed him on the lips before going into the cottage to use the bathroom. Before finishing in the bathroom I heard my aunt and Portia talking in the hallway.

Aunt Ophelia: How could you hang out with a slut like her?

Portia: Gia isn't a slut, it wasn't her fault and...

Aunt Ophelia: After this party, I don't want you around her, ever. Do you understand?

Portia: No, I don't. Didn't you have me at 16?!

Aunt Ophelia: Yes I did. But that's because I was a prostitute. I learnt from my mistakes by having you.

Portia: I'm a mistake? Wow, okay. You know what? Maybe you shouldn't be talking to me after this party.

Aunt Ophelia: How could you?!

I hear a slap and then a scream that resembles Portia's. I finish in the bathroom and go wash my hands. After doing that, I hear screaming and stabbing, at least a dozen times, and that's when I start to panic. Portia stabbed her mom or her mom stabbed her, either way, if I come out I might also get murdered.

I tell myself to stay calm and I manage to control my breathing, playing with a sponge I found. My eyes are closed just like the door which is locked, my heart is pounding and my palms are sweating. Breathe in, breathe out, think about your happy place, think about your life so far...

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