Scared of the Dark

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It was another night with Eli and her mom Jackie having the same conversation. "Come on mom please let me keep my lights on. You know I'm scared of the dark!" "Now now Eli we've been over this. You can't sleep with your lights on." Jackie told Eli "But why not?" Eli asked "It increases blood pressure, and you might not get a good sleep." She replied. Eli sighed she had lost to the argument with her mom once again. "Well goodnight honey" she told her as she kissed her forehead. "Night mom.." Eli said as her mom shut off her lights and walked out her door.

As Jackie was walking down the stairs to their living room she thought of something. "Hey wait a minute" she thought "What if I get Eli a nightlight? That will stop her from complaining about how she's scared of the dark and wants to keep her light on." After she thought of that she felt like a genius. Before she sat down on her couch she grabbed her laptop and a apple even though it was 10:30 at night. "It's not a midnight snack but I guess I could call it a night time snack!" She made herself giggle. She finally sat down on the couch and made herself comfortable "Ok now it's time to look for some nightlights!" She told herself. She opened her laptop and went on Zmazon and searched up "Nightlight" hoping for good results. After scrolling for 10 minutes she was starting to lose hope until she found the perfect one! It was shaped like a candle and it glowed blue and yellow, her daughters favorite colors! She looked at the price hoping it was at least 10 dollars. (She wasn't poor but she wasn't rich) but to her luck it was only 15$! She was so cheerful that she almost got 2 but her body stopped her before she did. "Eli is gonna be so excited when she sees this!" She thought to herself as she booked the order. After that she just watched the TV until she fell asleep on the couch.

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