The Happiest Shes Ever Been

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That next day Jackie woke up at 6:10 which was suprising because she usually gets up way earlier at least 5:00 but she was ok because Eli was still asleep so she still had time to do these things on her list of things that she always does before Eli wakes up.

1. Get new clothes on
2. Get Eli a outfit
3. Clean up any mess that she made the night before
4. Make breakfast (usually French toast)

After she fully woke up she went to her room to get her a outfit. She had a huge closet so it's always hard to make a outfit super fast but today all she picked out was a hat that said "1# Mom", A red shirt, black yoga pants, and tennis shoes. It was 6:20 after she finished getting dressed "Ok one thing crossed off my to-do list." She thought to herself as she tip-toed into Eli's room.

Eli also had a huge closet but it wasn't as hard to pick out a outfit for her since she wouldn't wear anything without these requirements: they have the color black on them, they have a design on them (usually only for shirts but sometimes pants), and they don't have anything girly on them. Even though Eli was 8 years old she was a huge tomboy and hated girly stuff so even though every girl in her class was wearing pink and had on dresses or skirts she would have all black on and be wearing pants or shorts. Jackie didn't find any of this weird but the other moms and the teacher did and Jackie knew this because one of the moms Ray asked her "Is your daughter ok?" "What do you mean? Of course she's ok?" Jackie told her kinda mad "It's just your little girl is wearing all black almost everyday and I just think it's weird" "Well mind your own business" Jackie told her as she walked away with Eli. All she picked out for her was a black bucket hat with a little smiley face on it, a black shirt that said "cool kid" on it, jeans, and white abibas. She set the clothes on her nightstand and checked her watch it said 6:40 but Jackie knew it was 6:30 because her watch was always 10 minutes ahead. "Ok Jackie just 2 more things you have to do" she told herself as she went downstairs.

The next thing on her list was easy to do because all she had to do was charge her laptop. She grabbed her laptop off the living room table and went to were she always leaves her charger and she was glad that it was still there! "Wow" she told herself "It has been a really easy morning today" she thought as she went to the kitchen to start making breakfast for her and Eli.

As she got to the kitchen she realized that she didn't know what she was gonna cook! She started thinking "I usually want French toast but I'm not feeling it right now..." "I mean Eli has been bugging me for the past few days about craving a grilled cheese.. I guess I can make her and me that." She told herself as she turned the grill up to 250 degrees. "Alright." She said as she grabbed the butter to butter the pan with. Eli usually woke up at 7:00 so she had at least 30 minutes to make them both a grilled cheese but that didn't matter because it was Eli's summer break so she didn't need to hurry. She grabbed the 4 pieces of bread and put 2 on the griddle. She also grabbed 4 pieces of cheese and stuck 2 on the bread well singing humming the tune "Blow my Brains Out" by "Tikkle Me." After about 30 minutes Eli came downstairs. "Hi mom.. Good morning." "Morning sweetie!" Jackie said with a smile on her face. "Here you go!" She held up the plate with the grilled cheese and apple slices "Oh thanks mom." She said as she grabbed it and sat at the counter. "So what did you dream about last night?" Jackie asked "Well I had a dream about this ghost in my room but he was really nice and we became good friends." Eli told her mom. "Well that's fun." She said as she grabbed her grilled cheese and took a bite out of it. -ding dong!- they heard their door bell go off "Huh that's weird." Eli said "Want me to get it momma?" She asked as she was about to get up from her chair. "Oh no hunny! Mommy can get it!" She told her in a rush to get to the door so she didn't get to it first "Oh ok mom" she said as she sat back down. Jackie got the door and saw the delivery man with her package "Order for Jackie Bats" He told her "Oh yes that's me thank you very much!" She said to him as she took the package "I just need you to sign here" He said as he held up the paper that she needed to sign "Oh of course!" She said as she signed her signature on the paper "𝒿𝒷" it said "Ok" he said as he closed her door. "Mom who was that?" Eli asked "Oh just some delivery person. I got you a gift last night!" "Oo can I open it now?" "I mean if you want sweetheart." She told her "Ok I want to!" She said to her mom "Ok! Here you go sweetheart!" She said as she gave her the Zmazon package to open. She ripped it open it approximately 2 seconds and the glow in her eyes was all Jackie needed to have a good day "Is this.. a nightlight?" "Yup!" "Wow.. Momma I love it!" After she said that she jumped up and hugged her mom "Oh thank you thank you thank you mommy!" She was so cheerful that she ran upstairs straight away to try it out. Jackie was so glad she liked it she felt like what was on her hat "1# Mom"

That night she ran into the bathroom faster than the speed of lighting and brushed her teeth for only one minute. Jackie didn't say anything though because she knew that Eli was really excited to use her new nightlight. She practically jumped into her polar bear pj's and ran downstairs to Jackie "Mom mom I'm ready can I turn on my nightlight now?!" "Sure honey let's go" Jackie told her as she walked up the stairs even though Eli ran faster than a cheetah up them. After she got to her room she jumped over to her nightstand and clicked it on "woah.." She said as she looked around at the blue and yellow stars on the walls and ceiling "Well goodnight honey!" She told her as she kissed her forehead. "Night mama!!" She told her. All Jackie saw as she left was Eli mesmerized by the stars.

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