Morgan now not afraid to unleash the monster inside the monster gained control stupid lies stupid games torments abusing the love that he took advantage of but he had done for years with others and his family and his friends he pushed too far became what he desperately tried to escape Angel pushed away consumed with Darkness he turned his back on everything with her and let her down a path that neither of them would Escape anytime soon causing a rift to grow between the two he then had to walk away he vowed to return when he could.
years went by and angel had all but forgotten the love that they shared and lamented him for abandoning her he had caused the pain to another pushing it off though Morgan was saved he damned someone else through his actions truly he strives to change but falls short.
He still does what he does not want to do and misses what he should do desperately.
he works upon himself so that one day he may return he reaches out to Angel angel does not reciprocate for she is still in pain he selfishly caused his own demise once again and From the Ashes of the relationship that he regrets ended the way that it did learned valuable lessons on the way even though he is in pain he can handle it.
he wishes one day to share that hope that he had learned to reteach it to Angel he comes to the rescue to only be met with resistance and hostility she does not want his help but reluctantly accepts on occasions and unfortunately that Beast returns every time and he must distance himself for he still seeks The Cure to his disease a disease from which he bleeds from his brain and Sanity has him by his soul the good doctor slowly healing a broken soul.
Breathless (short story )
RomanceA young man how had been corrupted by the harsh world found the hope that he needs to cope with the pain that had led him down the path of self destruction and hopelessness of being left to find for himself.