|•C5•| Kyojuro x Akaza

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This is gonna be a long chapter.

School AU
(Story starts here.)
Kyojuros P.O.V:

I had to move schools again. I asked my father why, but all he said was he didn't like my friends.. so now I have to make new ones, while I have to text or call my now "old" friends I guess.

All the people in my new school are.. unhappy. Well they look like it anyway. I looked at the paper that one of the staff gave me. "First class is...... ELA.." I mumbled to myself as I walked to the class. "Kyojuro, your late." The teacher "Mr. Keene" said to me "ah I'm sorry.." I said "it's alright, just try to not be late next time." Mr. Keene said to me "Understood!" I said in my loud voice covering my mouth. People didn't usually mind my loud voice. . . At my old school at least. . . But I didnt know if I'd get introuble for it. . .

". . . Please sit down." Mr.keene said to me, "s. . Sorry.." I murmured sitting in the only open seat. "Also, Kyojuro make sure to find your dorm I'll give you the number to it before you leave class. "Excellent! . . . I mean. . Okay.." I said as Mr. Keene smiled at me, "what's the new kids name?" Somebody yelled out as Mr. Keene turned around "He is a transfer student his name is Kyojuro Rengoku." Mr. Keene said "ugh another transfer student." The kid said "Oi, don't talk shit!" A striped boy yelled "Hey!" Mr. Keene yelled "Who the hell do you think your talking to!!!" The other kid yelled.

I covered my face on the edge of crying as my father is abusive. . . It reminds me when my Father was gonna hit Senjuro. Everyone's attention turned to me. "Pfft-" the kid said covering his laugh. I quickly got up running out of the classroom to the boys bathroom. I skipped the last class to calm myself down. "Oi Kyojuro. You missed class." The striped boy said to me "I know. . ." I said with a sniffle "Kyojuro what happened?" The striped boy asked me "Uhm . . personal problems . ." I replied "Okay . . , By the way your in my dorm." The striped boy said to me "You know my name, but I don't know yours.." I said picking up my bag, "Oh. I'm Akaza." The so called "Akaza" said "Now let's go to our dorm, I'm tired and I'm sure you are to." Akaza said as I nodded.

Time skip

When we got to our dorm I unpacked my things and made myself hot dogs. When I finished I relaxed on the couch.

After I finished the hot dogs I got up and put my plate away, going back to the couch slowly dozing off till I actually fell asleep thank God it was the weekend cause it was late..

The next morning

"Aaa . . . My neck hurts. . ." I complained "Yeah cause your head was hanging off the couch." Akaza said as I kept groaning "Do you want a pill?" Akaza asked me "No. . ." I said slowly getting up cracking my neck MUTIPLE times "Damn Kyojuro, Calm down." Akaza said with a chuckle "Damn it, that felt good." I said rubbing my neck as I checked my phone "oh fuck.. Uhm Akaza do you mind if my little brother comes over..?" I asked "Uhm, Sure?" Akaza replied as I gave him a smile quickly getting on my shoes speed and grabbing my keys, walking out the door.

* Whats going on . . . ? * Akaza thought

Time skip

I was now at my dad's, picking up Senjuro, I walked in seeing my dad yelling at Senjuro, "DAD! STOP IT!" I yelled as they both faced me, Senjuro automatically ran towards me hugging me, "He can't do anything right!" My father yelled "Hey! Dosent mean you yell or hit him! He won't learn if you keep hitting him just teach him how to do it or do it yourself lazy fuck!" I yelled "GET. THE. HELL. OUT. NOW!!!" my father screamed as I ran out of the house setting Senjuro in the passenger seat as I got into the driver seat, "Im so sorry Senjuro. . ." I said starting the car backing out of the drive way, driving back to the school. "Hey, Senjuro your gonna be staying with me and my roommate Akaza, you'll be sleeping in my bed, no arguing I'll sleep on the couch. Don't argue." I said as Senjuro nodded.

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