What is it like dating this charecter?!

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1. 🐍obanai iguru.🐍


He's both, but mostly wants to be big spoon, he feels like he always needs to protect you, so he's basically trying to make you feel safe. After all you are the one family he has. He'd have his legs wrapped around you, along with his arms and his chin would be on top of your head, while kaburmaru rested on both of your arms.

On a mission?!

Obanai will leave kaburmaru for you, kaburmaru will mostly stay around your neck and follow you wherever you go! :D I mean who doesn't want a little slithery friend with ya! But sometimes kaburmaru would not be there, so he'd leave his haori for you!

Make-out session?

Obanai would be very gentle with you, but he'll sometimes be a little aggressive with you, he'll rub your waist and tangle his fingers through your hair, but he'd also be afraid of you judging him, the scar on his mouth makes him really insecure.

Insecure?! :(

If you ever feel insecure, he'll tell you all the things he loves about the part/Parts of your body that your insecure about, and after he's done with that, he will kiss all over the parts/part your were insecure about.

(Iguru part 213 words)



This man is like a fire! This man trust you with his whole heart and soul. Like why wouldn't he?! When you both are cuddling, he'll keep the blankets over you, and not him, its basically like cuddling his little flame burrito! But when you are like a little burrito, he has his legs and arms wrapped around you, but when you aren't he has one legs over you, one hand tangling in your hair, of course big spoon, but after he gets back from his fathers house he ask you to be big spoon!

On a mission?!

This man will leave at night, Leave you, his haori, his bowtie and his long hoodie out for you! He loves seeing you in his clothes when he returns! :)

Make-out session!

Kyojuro will pin you against the wall, aggressively kissing you, massaging your thigh, smacking it every now and then, but it'll quickly go to the bed. ;)


This man will repetitively tell you, "your beautiful!" "your absolutely perfect!" or "Your the prettiest person I've ever played my eyes on!!!" And after that he'd cuddle you!

Period cramps?!

This man is basically a heating pad! Well his hands are, he'll make you a meal and use one of his breathing forms and puts his hands on the spot your cramping at! :) Sweet little boy 😭




This man has to share a bed with FOUR other people, Suma, Makio, Hina, and you, so you guys have a queen bed, so how does this work, I HAVE NO IDEA. but, Tengen would wrap his arms around your waist keeping your head on his chest, Suma cuddles the back of you, while Hina and Makio cuddle tengens back.

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