Chapter 1

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This is forbidden. She thought as she walked with her sister. The sister she was madly in love with. A short and kind girl who held no romance in her heart.

Amira was in love with her sister, Julia. Though they were of no relation to eachother, they held such closeness that they could have been. They had been friends since middle school. That was when Amira had run away from her overbearing criminal family and had hoped for a normal life. She had never been to school before and since she was of the age to attend, she decided to try it. Amira wasn't human and her family were some of the most vicious people she had ever known. She was a mixed breed of Vampire and Witch. Her father had claimed a Witch as his mate. Their union was vilified by both sides and they ran to Florida where there was plenty of nuetral territory. Unfortunately her mother died in child birth and Amira had always been blamed for it. Her father was a cruel man. She had gotten away as quickly as she could.

Julia walked slowly towards their destination. Amira followed behind just taking her in. She was short with long brown hair she always managed to keep perfect with little effort and her eyes were the color of honey. Amira could be lost in them forever. She loved everything about Julia. Her heart shaped face and luscious curves. She sighed in dissappoinment. They could never be. Julia was very human and would live and die as humans do. Amira ached with that knowledge but still befriended the girl. 

She stopped suddenly behind Julia, able to see over her head since she was taller. People parted like the red sea. Her eyes widened in horror as she saw who it was. Walking towards them was a tall muscular man with an aura of pure evil. His red eyes bored into her as he smiled wickedly and quickened his pace. Taylor. He was her half brother. A woman before  mother. He was full blooded vampire. His hatred for her ran even deeper. She gulped as he stepped close to them. Amira intstinctively moved in front of Julia. "Ah, little Amira. There you are. Did you think you could hide from us? Father wants you home. I'm to bring you in. Alive unfortunately." He spoke with such vemon. Julia looked at Amira. Amira glared at her brother. "I will not." She said defiantly. He only smiled. She braced for what was about to come. She hadn't had to fight in so long but she still knew her training.

In a flash he had her by the throat. Taylor was much quicker than she remembered. Julia stepped forward and punched him. "Stay away from her!" she shouted. He had barely felt her punch. He laughed and let Amira go. "Let us take this somewhere else?" He glared down at her after seeing the crowd of people watching. No one had dared move against him. This town was filled to the brim with the Supernatural. She had gone under the radar due to her magic but now they knew who she was. She was the daughter of the Leader of the Black Rose Clan; Julian Vadist. They were well known throughout the world. Had their hands in most of the shady business. No one could do anything about them since they always hid very well and no one could prove anything. Even though her father was an outcast, he made the world know his name.

"Let's go." Amira spat. Julia looked confused. "You're going with that monster? No I will not let you!" She reached for Amira, who only smiled at her.

"Do not worry. It'll just be a quick tussle and I'll send this leech back to the hole he crawled out of." Amira smiled. Taylor rolled his eyes. She hugged her best friend and began to walk with Taylor. The crowd dispersed with Julia screaming at them wondering why no one would help or call the police. Poor girl does't know what type of town she lives in. Amira thought as she dissappeared into the woods with her brother.

This is where she stopped. Right in the clearing where she had planned to take Julia and confess. "I'm not going with-" Amira couldn't finish her sentence. Taylor lunged for her. His eyes a brilliant red. He released his Bloodlust this early on? Savage movements and quick reflexes were at a match. Her wits helped stave off the worst of his attacks. The more savage he became the more pedictable he was. At least, that was what she thought. Being away for so long had changed them both. Taylor was deadlier now and her fear began to grow. This was nothing compared to the Bloodlust of the Black Rose Clan. This seemed more primal. Amira dodged his attacks as best she could. She was running out of steam. His last swing connected to her chest. She was knocked back several feet. Blood spilled from her mouth as she tried to breath. What happened to taking me alive?  She spat at the ground as he stalked towards her with a look of pure murder.

"Enough!" A voice boomed from somewhere behind her. Taylor quickly snapped out of his Bloodlust and dropped to his knees. Amira knew her fathers' voice well. She went to kneel as her brother was. "Rise Amira." She stood slowly, meeting her fathers' intense eyes. A deep red with flecks of gold. He oozed a demonic aura no other Vampire had. He towered over Amira and Taylor at seven feet; unnatural even among Vampires. His brown hair was slicked back in a low ponytail. He very much countered Amira with her bright blonde hair and pale blue eyes. She inherited her looks from her mother. She always figured that was another reason her father despised her.

Taylor went to rise as well. Julians' power halted him and he cried out as the Darkness forced him even lower to the ground. "Father. You sent me to retrieve her!" He spoke in a frantic tone. Their father leered at him. "I told you to bring her back unharmed! I sent you to bring her back of her own free will!" Julians' voice grew in intensity as he spoke. His Darkness now lashing out at Taylor. "I did not send you to kill her you pathetic wretch!" With those words, his Darkness hit Taylor full force. He was slung backwords and hit a tree nearby. He hit the ground with a thud. "Get out of my sight. I will not tolerate the sight of you any longer." Taylors' face fell in shame as he disappeared into the forest. "What a morose excuse. He would have made a great leader if not for his impulsiveness and lack of discipline." Amira's jaw went slack at his words. Taylor had always been his favorite. He was in line next. "None of my children are worthy of my title." He stared down at her. "You are all dead to me." His words did not sting as they did the first time he spoke them, but she knew Taylor had heard him.

"Wow, what a wonderful father you are." A small girl stepped out of the tree line. She looked familiar but not at the same time. She looked so similar to Julia only younger. She seemed so childlike. A child? What is she doing? He will kill her. Honey colored eyes that glowed flicked to her and then back to Julain. "He cannot kill me. I am much stronger than he is." Amira looked at her father. He stared at the newcomer with more hatred and emotion than she had ever seen. He breathed in deeply, and with one last hateful look at Amira, he disappeared with his Darkness.

Amira stood there as the young girl walked towards her. She couldn't shake the feeling that she knew the girl. "I am no child. Amira, daughter of Julian Vadist, I am Celeste Claworn." Her body morphed before Amira's eyes to reveal Julia. "Or as you knew me Julia. I am sorry to have decieved you." Quickly she morphed back to her first form. Amira could feel her body start to become weightless. Her vision blurried and as she succumbed to darkness, she heard Celeste say, "Sorry for this too." Everything went black abruptly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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