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"Mother?" asked the little girl laying on her bed as her mother tucked her in.

"Yes, dear?"

"If I wish to the upon a star... will my dream come true?"

"Yes... if you wish to upon a star... your once upon a dream will come true..."


"What have you bought?" asked my friend as she hug the books she bought.

I looked down to my hands and it was just all Harry Potter books.

"You know, Harry Potter books."

"Didnt you read the books already online? Also haven't you watched the movie?" Lynne chuckled.

I shrug my shoulder "yeah, I've read and watched them all but it hits a bit differently if you're reading it from a book, not from a screen. Do you get what I mean?" I gave her that duh expression.


"Ugh, I finished them all in a few days." I stood up from my kitchen as I grabbed a glass of water and sat on my sofa as I turned on the tv and played the Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

"I wonder.... What would it be like? To live with them, not the actors but... The characters in the book..."

My eyes started to get funny making me drift off, I checked the time and it was already almost midnight.

"I've seen those videos... On the internet, the manifesting going to the Harry Potter world. From what I remember it was called shifting, imagine..." I chuckled.

My eyes were starting to close, "I wish upon a star... My upon a dream will come true... To experience being with them..." before I drift off to my sleep I saw the time hit midnight.

As I drifted to my dream....

"Hey! Are you alright?" I felt someone shook my body and was trying to wake me up.

"Mum... Five more minutes..." I mumbled.

"What is this girl talking about? She fainted while she was in the sky playing Quidditch against the Gryffindor."

Pardon? Did they just say Quidditch? And Gryffindor!?

I immidently open my eyes and sat up but my head bumps into someone's head instead making me groan from the pain.

"Ugh? What in the bloody the world was that for!?" I looked around me.

"Oh God..."

It was them...

The cast of Harry Potter.

I checked if there was a camera but I see none, I looked at Harry who was played by Daniel Radcliffe.

"Daniel?" I started at him.

He looked at the others "who's Daniel?"

Then Ron who was played by Rupert Grint gave himself a forehead smack "she's lost her marbles, she doesn't know Harry is."

"Shut it, Ron, she fell from the sky. She hit her head hard." Said, Ginny who was played by Bonnie Wright.

"Oh God..."

I started walking backwards... "Where am I?"


"What year is it?"


"What year am I in?"

"Um, from what I know you're in the third year."

"Someone pinch me," I said.

Soon after someone pinches me and it was the twins.

"AH! THAT HURT YOU CU- oh God...no way..." I looked at them "I'm actually... Here..." I fainted.


"Come on! I've told you I do not know."

I started walking fast but he still caught up with me and grabbed my wrist.

"Viv please talk to me."

My name is Vivienne, but I go by Viv because even I can't pronounce my name in their world. Which is Vivienne Ninette Beaulieu.

From the things, I have gathered about myself. My mother is French while my father is a British.

"Draco, look. I didn't do anything. I know some people here were scared of me or talked trash behind my back because to them I was a mean rude person until I fell from the sky while playing Quidditch."

Before I let him continue.

"I do not know what that girl has told you. But I am innocent, sure I must have done something to her in the past, however. I'm clean. Now please leave me alone."

"Vivienne... Please!!"


"Sh! Please, don't speak, they'll find us..."

Harry covered my mouth, as our bodies are pressed together. Hiding from the dementors.

Tears were slowly falling from my cheek to his clothes.

"A little bit longer..." he whispers to my ears.

After some long minutes, he let go of me.

"I'm sorry about that,"

I wipe off my tears and fixed myself, I stare at him "why are you even trying to sneak out? The Headmaster told you not to go out at all."

"I know you're a Ravenclaw but you don't have to be smart with me."

The audacity.

I scoff, my gaze shifted to glare "the audacity of Harry Potter, the chosen one." I snare "How dare you talk to me like that..."

I know he's the main character here and I'm just a side character, but the audacity of this guy to talk to me like this.

"Yeah, I am a Ravenclaw" I chortle, I crossed my arms "I'm smart, and you're a moron. This is why the hat didn't chose you to be a Ravenclaw."

His face became red.

"And I am pretty sure you're up late because you're on your way to meet her."

I smirked "A Gryffindor going to the Slytherin hallway? Isn't it that amusing?"

Mother... The upon star granted my wish... But made me the villainess side character...

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