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↝ 𝐕𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞(ʸᵒᵘ)𝐏𝐎𝐕 ↜

"Viv! Did you hear? There's going to be a new student."

"A new student in the middle of the school year? Isn't it a bit odd?" I flipped the next page of my muggle book that I purchase in the summer. 

"I honestly don't know, but we heard that she couldn't last year to her illness," said Cho Chang.

"She will be arriving anytime soon,"

"I bet she's a mudblood, I honestly don't know why the professor even allowed this. This is just outrageous," said Draco from the other table next to us. 

I looked up from my book and stared at the white-blond Slytherin "Be nice Draco. Have some manners."

"Sorry... but still, the professor shouldn't do this. The person is too late to attend that school, why now when there are lots of things already happening? My father will hear about this." Draco complains even more.

Soon after the great hall door opens, revealing one of the ministry magic workers and a girl next to him.

"Ah! You're finally here. Get the stool and the hat."

"Everyone! We will be having a new student here with us, I hope you get along with her."

"Adalynne Miller!"

The girl sat on the stool nervously, it took some minutes until the hat screamed.


The Slytherin table cheered having another member to their house.

"I must say, this is ridiculous," I mumbled as I flip more pages from my book.


"You should be careful Vivienne, some students are getting petrified by Salazar's heir," Dean warned me.

"You sound so worried, do not worry Dean. I am a pureblood, most of my family are purebloods however we do not marry our cousins." I chuckled as we both walk to our next class. 

"What do you mean by "we do not marry our cousins"?" asked Seamus.

"Well, to keep the bloodline pure, some families marry another pureblood family, but sometimes some of them are married to their cousins just to make the blood pure to their family," I answered.

"You sure know a lot about this," said Neville. 

"I am well educated Neville, my parents told me to marry who I love in the future." I smiled.

The three boys' faces redded, "You guys are blushing." I chuckled.


We all four looked at the owner of the voice who screamed my name, it was Draco fuming from anger. 

"Draco? What's wrong? Why are you-"

"Why am I mad? Huh? You insulted one of our new members in the Slytherin house! Just because you are my friend- no best friend, that doesn't mean you have to insult and bully one of us. Just to remind you, you are in Ravenclaw and I am in Slytherin." his teeth are gritting from anger as he pointed at me.

"Vivienne has been with us since a while ago Malfoy. And you know Vivienne would never do that." Dean stood up for me.

Neville and Seamus nodded "You know even though Vivienne is quiet and minds her business but she's the nicest girl here." Neville joined.

"I am not talking to you pest." Draco glared at the three Gryffindors.

I looked at him confused and looked behind him, I saw the new girl. She was being comforted by the Slytherins and other houses. 

I looked him dead in the eye, and I walked towards him "Draco... you know I haven't even talked to the new girl... and more importantly, weren't you the one who was insulting her when she joined Hogwarts? Remember what you called her? Mud blood? And how you said that it was outrageous?" I gave him a death stare.

"And with this spouting bloody bullshit, you are talking about me insulting her and your house? You must be out of your mind pet. Watch who you are trying to mess with. Dont ever cross my path again, I had enough of your outrage out of nowhere from the past months accusing me of something that I didn't even do." I walked past him, purposely bumping my shoulder into his.

↦ ↦ ↦

After some of the memories of the real Vivienne, showing me how everything went downhill. Madam Pomfrey insisted that I should be staying at the hospital wing for a few more nights.

"You got some visitors." Madam Pomfrey smiled.

It was Neville and Adrian, along with Dean and Seamus.

"You brought them here?" I asked Neville.

"They were also worried about you Vivienne." Neville nudges them to get closer to the bed. 

Dean holding a bouquet of flowers "Umm.. hey, I hope- I mean we hope you feel better soon." he handed me the bouquet and smiled. 

"And here, some chocolates. I hope they'll make you feel better." Seamus handed me some chocolates, I chuckled and thanked them for their effort. 

It's been a while since Vivienne has spoken to them honestly, after what happened last year. From what I know Vivienne just stopped talking to people and even when the third year started. 

She would only talk to them unless she had to, which is when the professor would do some group projects. Only that, she doesn't talk to people unless they would interact first but mostly no one wants to talk to her because of what happened.

She got her last straw, she got enough of being accused of something she didn't even do at all. She was innocent, Adalynne thought once she gets into the school. Everyone will swoon at her beauty but Hogwarts already have that beauty and it was Vivienne.

Things didn't go with Adalynne's plan at first because no one believed her until she used the horrible event which was when students were getting petrified. Starting rumours that it was Vivienne even though she is not in the Slytherin house but her family is connected to Salazar Slytherin through her father being a descendant of his. 

"How are you feeling now?" Adrian asked.

"I am feeling a bit better actually, I might go back to class tomorrow." I sat up so I can properly talk to them.

"I have taken some notes for you." Dean handed me some papers, I can tell that he made sure his writing is nice for me to understand it. 

"Thank you,  Dean." 

"By the way, I've been spying. I heard that some older Hufflepuff is starting to have his interest in that Slytherin girl, Adalynne." Seamus whispered, so it's just us five could hear.

"However, Malfoy and Harry are still fighting over her," Dean added. 

I should just better get revenge and get that bitch exposed for all her fake accusations.

I'll make sure, people who hurt you will pay Vivienne.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2023 ⏰

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