Part.9 - Recovery

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"Hey, [Y/N].
How are you doing down there today?"

("...hard to think, sometimes.
Have to... have to focus.
My face is pressed against all your naughty bits.")

"What's my name, [Y/N]?"

("Mistr... um... Alice. It's Alice...")

Now Breathe.
And focus on my skin.
My warmth."

("Alice, it's... I feel like I'm stretching in two different

"That would be my hips."

("N-no, I mean... mentally...")

-Alice rubs my fabric-

"I know, baby.
I know.
I need you to focus, okay?
You don't need to worry about anyone else right now.
Just you.
I've got you."

("You've... got me...")

And I will never let anvone take you ever

("Mmmff... h-have to... wash me... sometimes...")

But I'm never letting you out of my sight between those moments.
Fuck, I might even just hand-wash you from now on. That's supposed to make clothing last longer anyways."


"I mean your fabric, Jess.
You are human, even if you don't look or feel like it anymore.


"It's okay.
Just relax.
I've got you...
breathe me in."

("Thank you, Alice...")

The End.

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