3. Im not creepy

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1st  pov

It's been weeks since I've last talked to Hanako and heard about his new human assistant Yashiro Nene.

That was a lie, it's been one week.


Actually I have been spying on her, just for her safety. Right now it was after Yashiro's English Listening, turns out she lost a couple things. Now Aoi is probably gonna tell her what the deal was.

"Have you ever lost something important even though you were obsessively careful with it? Has something you rarely handle suddenly disappeared from its place at the exact time you were going to use it? If so you've probably had a visit from Yousei. It's important that you remember to never look directly at it, because in the instant you do, it will take your life without you ever even noticing" Aoi finished.

They kept talking for a bit, hearing other students in the class talking about their lost things. Then they heard "Seriously! What the crap!" outside in the hallway and ran out to see that some locker doors were missing, I followed still being unseen.

From the corner in my eye i saw the now "famous" Yousei-San. One came flying towards Aoi, making said girl throw the flower watering can thing, and it fell on Yashiro somehow. 'Some luck. Welp that's not gonna end well' I thought, she started laughing a bit until she felt scales growing on her face. She started running. I floated after her being a bit visible but not a lot.

Following women in a non creepy way because I swear I just wanna make sure she's safe and dry for others not to question the scales on her.

She ran to the old building, hearing something talk so she started walking away. I could tell she wanted to dry her scales so I put a towel I saw close to her, she noticed and said "huh?! It's like you heard me. Thank you! I'm sorry to whom ever dropped this, I promise it's for a good cause" after she said the last part she started noticing the other lost items these years students lost because of Yousei-San.

She started getting her stuff and other stuff she heard from when she was in the classroom, after, she started walking to where other things were at until she found a classroom and looked inside it. "Big mistake Yashiro Nene" I whispered but not enough to where I was heard by her, she looked directly at Yousei and they grabbed her leg.

Hanako wasn't here yet so I'll take this on my own for now. "Yousei! Let go of the poor girl, damn. She's too adorable to die yet. Bullying is not acceptable" I kindly said, Yashiro looked behind her and saw me "she saw us" it said "I don't care. She's totally adorable though! Come on and let go" I said in what my friends said to be "an angry mom tone" idk but Hanako was now here, he blinded it and it broke like glass(?). "between boys and apparitions, I can't tell which one you choose to embarrass yourself over more" Hanako started "what's the deal? Did you forget the fact the you can still die? Well?" He finished, probably ignoring that I'm right behind Yashiro, so rude. "Hanako I..." Yashiro started, but I think she's now thinking something, 'most likely the fact that she had to be saved by him' I thought but then something pink fell on Yashiro. Making her yell "ow!" I look over with them, 'the mokkes' I thought but they looked dead... haha same

"While we wait for them to wake up, look who we have here!" Hanako 'cheerfully' said, looking over at me. "Someone that's not a school wonder that's who." I gave attitude saying that. Not even a thank you for distracting Yousei.

"Not a school wonder? But I can see what's behind you! Are you a ghost?" Yashiro asked "Yes I am. The one that said the truth earlier" I stated proudly.

"What truth?" Yashiro asked, I cleared my throat for i could sound exactly like earlier " okay- "Yousei! Let go of the poor girl please. She's too adorable to die yet." And "she's totally adorable though! Come on and let go" and blah blah blah" I said. They just stared at me, Hanako looked unpleased "Wait... ADORABLE?!" Yashiro freaked out, blushing "Yeah! Just look at you, I've heard you've gotten rejected but that was a big mistake. Who could reject someone like you" I stated, imagining hearts and stars around me with my eyes closed looking away. So anime phase.

"But everyone says I have daikon legs" "Yeah who finds that attractive?" Hanako said, I just threw a sword in his way. "Whoa! Calm down demon" he said, Yashiro had a hurt face on.

"Shut up, number 7!" I yelled, Yashiro then looked confused "Wait...demon? Hanako-Kun what do you mean demon?" She asked, we both stopped glaring at each other and looked her.

"Oh right! You don't know who he" you cut him off for a quick second, "they" "they are yet! Oops my bad" he said and walked over to me. "Yashiro Nene, you are now in the presence of the one and only! (Name) (L/n)! The Theater Demon!" He said, proudly but Yashiro looked scared "The Theater Demon?! But they kill! Oh I mean-" she was freaking out bad, I cut her off "I know I kill people, after all I did make sure I could chose my rumor" I said, an evil smile on my face , oop "got a problem?" I stared blankly with that, she looked even more scared and Hanako backed away. Hanako of the bathroom knows he cannot fight me and win, even if he's like over 50 in ghost life it won't matter, I can send him straight to hell if I kill him.

"How about we keep our distance and you don't kill us?" Hanako said, the mokkes were waking up and all I did was float to them.

"We'll see.."

A/n: Sing with me, sing for a year
Sing for the laughter, and sing for the tear
Sing with me, if it's just for today
Maybe tomorrow, the good Lord will take you away

MyTheaterKill! Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun! (Slight rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now