13. Sneezing 3/1 time(s) meaning, the author is evil

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1st pov(Bold means different language)

"(Name), we need to talk for a minute" Sakura suddenly said as I was sitting in the auditorium, making little outfits for the mokkes

"Oh uh yeah sure, did something happen?"

"Has anyone asked for you? Well...summoned you?" I thought about it for a quick second, and honestly now that I think about it, people haven't summoned or have even tried, I wonder what's up with that

"No, not for a while now, strange. Why do you ask?"

"...I think...your rumor has been changed slightly..."

Both Sakura and I just stared at each other for a second as I was trying to process what she had just said

"Well why do you say that?" I asked, thinking about it

"People over in America has been talking about you for a while now, and suddenly, there's a news article about you, how to summon you, what you can do, you're seen as some sort of demon so most of your rumor hasn't changed

They like to think of you as a demon from hell who kills people who've wrong anyone but only if they know them personally.

You can kill them, torture, or even harm someone in many ways

Anyone who summons you owes you a favor and they can become your little "actors" for your "show" meaning they're your little puppets you have control over in any situation

Yet many also believe you aren't too bad of a spirit, anyone who's ever summoned you seemed to be "blessed by their gods" and their kids, younger siblings or cousins seem to not be in real danger. Like an evil demon who has a soft spot for children"

I stayed there, listening to Sakura as she went on talking, it doesn't sound too bad honestly, why? Because it does sound similar to mine plus that whole "protecter of children" nice, I think I do have a slight soft spot for children...

"Well it doesn't seem like it's harming to me.

As to the rumor 'I' made...it seems to be more cleaned up now and this one going around seemed to be better

I just...barely remember making that rumor...

Do you...do you think it's possible to get rid of a rumor entirely? Like out of peoples memories? Out of existence in every way?"

Sakura didn't even think about it before saying a simple "I'm not sure"

She asked "do you not like your rumor?" And I just shrugged, "it just doesn't feel like I wrote it, like it was someone else but I gave it to you to spread...it's...so strange to me

If I could somehow in some way get rid of it completely, I would"

"If I find a way myself I'd gladly help you with that, after all you are a friend of mine, least I could do" I look at Sakura as she turns to leave and jokingly ask "I wouldn't have to owe that little rat a favor would I?" She knew who I was referring too and quietly chuckled

"As long as he doesn't know about it, I don't think so"

And then she headed out of the auditorium, im not sure where she's going but it doesn't matter now, gotta get back to what I was doing before

"Ow fuck- I poked myself with the needle, needa put a bandaid on it. Gotta keep up the human image right? Wait no one else should even be here, why am I talking out loud to myself? I sound so weird whenever I'm only hearing myself-" I sighed and continued on

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