6. Chop chop slide

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Your POV (cussing)
The next day! At Misaki stairs!

I was yet again in the Misaki stairs laying down with Yako somewhere around here, I don't know.

Yesterday I possessed a staff worker, and made a resource officer in exorcism job available...don't tell the Minamoto's that though.

That new job was to keep students safe, hearing more and more rumors that couldn't be stopped by regular people I guess the confusion of a new staff worker had died down and boom, there I am, of age and 100% qualified. So now I'm just sitting here, doing nothing.

I can sense if someone's in danger or going to do something dangerously stupid, that dangerously stupid is right now though cause here comes the seventh wonder Hanako,  the assistant Yashiro, and the exorcist Kou Minamoto.

"These dumbasses" I said but got a "shh!" From Yako... 'rUdE'

Anyways, the three walked and talked in School Mystery Number 2 boundary, until I see Yako start calling them from the phone.

For any who don't know, I think I'm pretty close with number 2, it's like having the older sister I've always wanted. It's nice to have her in my life, it makes me feel... alive again

Anyways, if my hearing's right Yashiro picked up the phone and said the normal thing to say "H-hello, u-umm who is this?" With Yako basically responding back with "I am... Misaki."

Yako kept talking be telling Yashiro, actually the other two are probably listening so Yako told the three that 'she' taught class at the top of the stairs and to find 'her' right arm. Yeah yeah you know the deal.

Small time skip

So they were looking for an arm, and while the weren't looking, the sweet lovable girl darling of an angel Nene put a ultra padded bra on...if that's what makes her happy...

I was floating around, little low but not on the same platform as them, almost. Eventually Nene asked the others if they found the arm, now let me tell you that these boys are... something... moving on, Kou found a sculpted wooden muscle arm and Hanako found a robot arm.

They got scolded but notice a "small" difference in Yashiro. She threw that "small" difference and I wasn't in the direction where she threw it to. "Are they gonna give an arm to Yako soon or not?"

I didn't say this earlier but they were being timed and the timer which was an hourglass ran out, now you can see them running, they were running from these big scissors but these dolls were attacking them too, the gigantic pair of scissors were about to cut Nene's head off, shit

"Yashiro!" I yelled, moving her in a ducking position while my body got "cut" in half. The boys got the dolls off them, looked at me with wide and worried eyes, and Nene looked she wanted to cry. Fear. Fuck I wish I could've felt this pain. Was that really supposed to happen... I know I'm already dead but it still really fucking hurt. How much pain can a dead person still feel, guess it makes sense to feel something as it wasn't a human bringing me pain.

Hanako and Kou moved the big scissors while Yashiro ran to get to me. I was trying to stand but...I kinda ain't got my legs with me. Damn "(Name)!" Nene said, almost getting to me but I said "No, go! Leave me here to give you all time to get out" "bu-" Hanako tried to speak but "Go, I'll be fine, no worrying!" I yelled, and the boys left, picking Yashiro up while she was protesting.

They were running and running past the dolls. I sat up as best as I could and moved some aside by knocking them over with a sword. Great day to be able to control them without needing to touch them.

Kou threw an arm that was found into this place and the door opened. I was still holding and moving dolls back when "Wait, (Name)-" I hear from Yashiro, I turned to see her trying to get out of Hanako's hold but he just kept running and was inside the other side of the door with Kou while Hanako was still holding Nene.

On my side, the dolls stopped moving and I was able to relax and get my bottom half back, in a (name) whole not half a fraction of myself. I tried standing up but it hurt, I don't know why but it really really hurt. Why does it gotta hurt so much for😭

I guess I didn't hear but I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned my head to see one of the dolls holding the phone that Yashiro answered earlier out to me. I took it and put it close to my ear.

"Hello?" I weakly said, getting a "(Name)! Are you alright?! You shouldn't get in the way!" from Yako, she sounded worried, "hey I'm fine. Don-" I got cut off "you are NOT fine! Don't try and give me that, ugh, it's best if you stay like that for a couple minutes. Don't move, it'll just make it worse" she said, ending the call.

Time skip to when the three got up the stairs
Yashiro's pov

'I hope (Name) is alright...' I thought, the image of them cut in half was still in my head and I couldn't get it out. They still fought to protect us even...

I put the last body part of Misaki in and closed the doors, whispering "This is the last one" "it's opening" I hear Kou say and I turn my head to the large doors opening.

We all were standing in front of the door, it fulling opened and I thought 'Come to think of it, she was supposed to be making us look for her parts because she can't do anything. In which case, who made those phone calls?'

Your POV

It's been sometime so Yashiro and the other two should be done with finding the parts. I'm where I was earlier and yet again, laying down. I don't need to be laying down, even Yako said but you can never be too careful! Jk just feeling super lazy.

I wasn't listening again but I hear the big doors closing, 'they're should be done, hopefully' I thought, deciding if I should go see them or not but...

I chose not cause I'm too lazy again, teehee

Anyways, small time passes by and I hear Yashiro crying with a fight starting. I should be there to protect them but I'm sure Hanako told them about Yako's yoirshiro.

I then heard someone screaming, a girl. 'Wait... A girl?! That must be Yashiro! Nope! Not losing her today!' I thought, running out of where I was and to where Yako is at.

Looking around I see Hanako pretty beat up and Kou as a...doll? I don't know, he's kinda adorable but that's not important right now.

"Hanako! Where's Yashiro?!" "She at the deepest part of this place" he yells back, not looking away from the fight.

"I'm gonna go look for her, be careful okay? I'll be back for you Minamoto!" Hanako's probably gonna have to come down the deepest parts too and I doubt he'd bring Minamoto with him, even if he is a doll, that's why he wouldn't bring him with him. Poor kid.

Going down to the deepest part was super boring, I wish I could've passed out to pass time. Eventually i still was in air, then water, now safely on "land." I look around for Yashiro but all I saw was Yako... wait, Yako? Oh sh- !

Noticing she was here meant she either beat Hanako-Kun up or he's weak for the time being. I was a bit far but I was a pretty fast runner back alive, plus I can also float so I might just make it in time. 

I was rushing as fast as I could to get to Yashiro but Yako was almost about to cut her head off when...

A/n: when deez

MyTheaterKill! Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun! (Slight rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now