Chapter 2

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Chapter 2.

Jolting herself up from nearly dropping face first into her desk, Azina tried her hardest to stay awake from Teacher Khono's lecture. History was her worst subject out of all her academics courses, despite all her efforts of caffeine, extra sleep, and all other weird gimmicks to pay attention. When she was sheltered, her tutor only come by a few days a week to teach her basic education, but was never allowed to know her actual name or face. Growing up, she thought nothing of it, until this new environment she ended up in. Even now she still catches herself from the habit of looking down to not be seen as inattentive.

"-because of their power, were driven to extinction. Even though all their nations were destroyed and conquered, there are a few Sorcerers sprinkled around the world still being found and executed."

Azina's eyes struggled to stay open as Khono's deep, monotone voice continued to lull her mind. I need to pass, but his voice is so soothing... looks like the organic energy tea wasn't helpful either. Failing the battle between her mind and eyes, Azina slid down the arm propping up her head, and slept through the remainder of her class. When every student had abandoned the classroom, Khono walked over to a completely knocked Azina slightly drooling onto the sleeve of her fern green sweater. Dropping a textbook in a loud slam on the desk next to her, Azina yelped and bolted straight up. A barely visible flash of white flickered in her eyes the second they opened, and Khono stiffened.

Catching her breath, and calming her heart, Azina made a skittish apology. "I am so sorry Teacher Khono, please forgive me. I'm trying my very hardest to pass, truly-"

"I know." He said simply and walked away to his desk. Azina curses herself under her breath. Why am I struggling to just be a good student? And why are all the men I know other than Founder Aren so intimidating and cold towards people?

Azina stood up, shamefully wiped the drool from her face, and gathered her things to leave. Checking her school phone on the way out to review her schedule, Khono beckoned for her before she stepped out the door. Oh no, I really hope he doesn't drop my grade for sleeping. What would Aren think?

Dreading the worst, she trudged towards his desk. "Yes, Teacher?"

He sat with a leg over his knee, tapping a pen over a few papers. "Have you ever come across any words or phrases you feel a nostalgic sense reading or saying? Anywhere or time throughout your life?"

Azina furrowed her brows as she tried hard to remember, but bowed apologetically. "No, I can't say I have. My apologies, Teacher."

Khono shook his head and waved her off. "Don't worry about it, it was a needless question. But if I catch you sleeping again, I'll have you take two finals on history instead of one" He joked. Hopefully.

Azina laughs nervously as she briskly heads out towards the door. "Of course, never again Teacher. Have a good day!"

Quickly heading to her last class for the day, she wondered why Khono would ask such a thing. Dismissing the thoughts, she focused on her field assignment with Doctor Kulea for her healing course. Kulea was careful not to give special treatment to Azina, despite her private tutoring. She was a bit overbearing when anyone is hurt, but her nurturing nature comes as part of her profession. Falling under the same height as Yanju, she was a bit darker than Makali but her hair was a long, locked and luscious black. She always had half of it up in a bun on the very top of her head to see.

Greeting Doctor Kulea at the door, Azina enters the room and scans to find Yanju texting on his phone once again. She waved and said 'hello,' but only received an up-tilt nod and nothing more. Routinely sitting next to him while trying to respect his privacy, Azina sets her satchel down and takes out her work in slightly tense silence. Only Amplifiers can heal, so since Makali is an Elemental, she can't take part in this class. Amplification is the power to augment the Source Magic within themselves, and the environment or people around them. Most people born under this source turn out as catalyst-guards, doctors, or basic-but-needed maintenance workers.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2022 ⏰

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