Chapter 1: Pining

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Akaashi starts his new job and meets Bokuto and his little girl.
His interest in the gorgeous man turns into pining from afar.

A/N:  Hello everyone! I'm back with a new story that has been percolating in my brain for months. I have five chapters planned. (But those of you who know me, know that might turn into more haha.)


Akaashi Keiji is a disappointment. To himself, if to no one else.

Recently graduated from college with a perfect GPA, the former literature major thought for sure he could land a job at a publishing house to start his career. His dream was to be an editor. He was realistic; he knew he would need to start at the bottom, maybe even as an intern, but he thought he would do that and eventually work his way up in the company.

But what he didn't expect was that even the bottom would not have him.

He had applied to every open position in the city even remotely related to publishing. He had had precisely two interviews and exactly no offers, even though he had submitted close to 100 resumes.

It took him a while to admit defeat. After that, he had wallowed in self-pity for a couple of weeks, hiding in his apartment alone, failing to eat and shower and to function as a normal human being. But then the realization that he actually did not want to die, and therefore needed food, dawned on him, and he reluctantly pulled himself from his hole of shame.

He had showered, dressed, and used the last of his money to buy some groceries. On the way back from the store, he happened to walk by the local bookstore, which was normal. But what was not normal was that there was a 'Help Wanted' sign in the window.

On an impulse, he had gone in and applied for the job. The owner had hired him on the spot after hearing about his college education and his love of books.

It was, Akaashi admitted, not a bad job to have. He didn't need to work horrible hours, he didn't need to do any manual labor, and he didn't need to sell his body. And, you know, books.

So yeah, it could be worse.

Akaashi started his new job on Tuesday. Today is Saturday and he is surprised at how much busier the store was on a weekend. There is a steady stream of customers from the moment they open their doors. He shows people to different sections, helps them find books, and rings up their purchases. It's really not a horrible job. He doesn't have to talk TOO MUCH to people, and the customers are generally friendly. So, all in all, Akaashi is not terribly put out.

At around lunchtime, the flow of customers ebbs a little and Akaashi walks around, returning books to shelves, neatening displays, and generally tidying the store.

He startles when he hears a child's shriek, followed by a man's deep voice.

"Sachiko, I know you're excited, but please be quiet, love, okay?"

"Okay, daddy," a small voice answers.

When Akaashi turns, he sees the blur of small child running past him toward the children's section of the store. A man follows behind her.

And Akaashi is stunned.

The man is, quite simply, the most gorgeous, perfect man Akaashi has ever seen.

He has wide shoulders and a trim waist, and his muscles are on display, swelling out of the tight black t-shirt that he is wearing. It hugs every crevice, accentuates every bulge, and it's hot and bordering on indecent how good he looks. His forearms are meaty and Akaashi can see from afar that his hands are /big/. His jeans fit snugly, showing his perfect ass and heavenly thighs. Akaashi's eyes roam over the man's form with unbridled appreciation, until he finally reaches the man's face. He has to be a model with that face. It's perfect, strong features, a day's worth of scruff gracing his jaw. Akaashi could stare at that face all day.

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