Chapter 4: Promises

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SUMMARY: More dates and a promise


Saturday morning, Bokuto awakes to a tiny voice saying, "Daddy, wake up, it's Saturday."

Bokuto's eyes open slowly and he checks his phone. Six o'clock.

"Oh, sweetie, it's still early. Come on into bed and we'll cuddle for a while."

He reaches down and lifts her easily. She is carrying her teddy bear and is wearing a white nightgown with purple flowers. He settles her into the crook of his arm and closes his eyes again, wondering if he can get another hour of sleep.

Fifteen minutes later, Sachiko's small voice stirs him again. "Is it time to go to the bookstore, Daddy?"

Bokuto has to grin, despite his fatigue. "Not yet, princess. We have to do our chores before we go, remember?"

He can't see her face but he knows she's pouting. He keeps his eyes closed. Just five more minutes.

Another minute before she speaks again. "Daddy, I'm hungry."

Bokuto sighs and opens his eyes, resigned that he has to get out of bed now. "Okay, sweetie. Let's go get some breakfast."

She scoots away and he gets up to put on a t-shirt. Then he picks her up and she clings to him like a koala. "What are you hungry for, love? How about eggs?"

"Yes. Can you make them how I like them?"

"Of course!"

He sits her at the kitchen table and she hands him her bear, which he knows he is supposed to sit at the chair next to her. He gets her a cup of juice before starting to cook eggs. She is chatting away about the books she wants to look at when they get to the bookstore.

They finish breakfast and do their chores by late morning. Bo showers and dresses, while Sachi picks out clothes. When they're both done, he fixes her hair, brushing it carefully so as not to pull it and make her cry. He finishes it off with her favorite barrettes with strawberries on them.

"Ready to go?"


She skips along the sidewalk as they make their way to the store, which is walking distance from their apartment. As usual, when she gets inside, she squeals and makes her way for the children's section. Bokuto is behind her, but his attention is on Akaashi, who is behind the counter and just realized they came in. A small smile appears on his beautiful face.

"Hello, Bokuto-san."

"I thought we were using first names," Bokuto teases lightly.

Akaashi looks sheepish for a second, then tries again, "Hello, Kotaro."

Bokuto smiles because he really likes how his name sounds when Akaashi says it. He briefly wonders how Akaashi would sound saying his name in other circumstances before his brain returns to the moment.

"Hey, Keiji. Are you having a good day?"

"Now I am," Akaashi says and it makes Bokuto smile wider. They are looking at each other for a moment, lost in each other and whatever this is going on between them, when they both hear it.

"Daddy! Come look!"

Bokuto looks at Akaashi apologetically. "Gotta go."

"Of course."

Sachiko wants Bo to look at a book on turtles. She insists that he read her all of the captions, because this book has lots of words and information about turtles. He sits on a small chair next to her and reads her everything she requests.

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