6 - "what can we say? were so good with idiots"

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Once Shawn finished up with the motorcycle, we said goodnight to his uncle Mike and went to his trailer, he unlocked the door with his key and let me in first then followed behind with me. His dad was on the couch, fast asleep with lots of beer around him "Uhh.. Ignore this.. Let's go to my room.." Shawn said grabbing my hand and bringing me to his room, there was beer bottles everywhere but I was used to it since Shawn's dad and mine were friends and they drank together a lot at my house after my mom left.. We got in Shawn's room and he took my stuff and just placed it with his. He wrote on a sticky note that I was here and put it on his door then closed it, he sat on his bed, I sat beside him "So I thought your mom was in a mental hospital..?" Shawn said "I thought so too.. Maybe she got out..? Or she bribed them.. I dont know honestly.. I just know I dont wanna see her for a while... Is it ok if I stay with you for a bit..?" I asked Shawn "Yea yea of course. My dad loves you so he wont mind you staying. Just we'll go to your house tomorrow to ask your dad.. After school.." Shawn said "Ok.." I said looking down. Shawn layed down and I layed down too, I put my head on his chest and Shawn held me real close. I closed my eyes and fell fast to sleep, surprisingly thats the quickest ive ever fell asleep..

-the next morning-

I woke up and realized Shawn wasnt in the room so I sat up and heard him talking to his dad in the kitchen "I really love her, dad" Shawn said to his dad "That's good, Shawnie. She really is kind and loyal so having her here will defenitly brighten up spirits" his dad said, I walked out to the kitchen pretending I didnt hear anything "Good morning, Tori" Shawn smiled "Good morning, Shawnie. Mr Hunter." I smiled looking at both of them "Good morning, Toria!" Shawn's dad said happily. He always called me Toria growing up, it was his nickname for me and I loved it. 

After Shawn and I ate breakfast, we grabbed our stuff then went to school.. We went to our locker, Alison came over to us "So im guessing Shawn told you" Alison said to me "Yea.. im really sorry about your nose, Alison.. I guess jealously is a bad trait I have.." I smiled a bit "It's fine" Alison said going to her class, Shawn got our english books out of the locker then we went to Mr Turner's class "Mr Hunter and Ms Lawrence, you guys are late" Mr Turner said "Sorry.." we both said as we sat down, Cory started talking to Shawn about me and Topanga "Did you hear? Their mother came back.. Topanga is staying at my house" Cory told him "Yea I know, Tori is staying at mine" Shawn told him "Mr Matthews and Mr Hunter. What is more important then Shakespeare right now?" Mr Turner asked "The Lawrence sisters" Cory and Shawn both said smiling. 

Topanga turned to them and I looked up at them "Well Topanga and Victoria, you girls got these boys obsessed" Mr Turner laughed "What can we say? Were so good with idiots" I laughed "We did grow up with them" Topanga added and laughed "Continuing with the great books of Shakespeare..." Mr Turner continued

After class, Shawn, Cory, Topanga and I all went to the cafe to eat our lunch. Topanga started our conversation... "Tori.. Did you leave home too?" she asked me "'Uhh yea... Im staying with Shawn" I said "and its awesomeeee" Shawn laughed "No knocking my sister up, Hunter!" Topanga told him "jesus! Topanga.. were 14.." I said "I know but still." Topanga hummed "Deal." Shawn said "So what are you guys doing after school?" Cory asked "We have to head back to my house to tell my dad that im staying at Shawn's.." I told him "Ok well Topanga and I are going bowling, would you guys wanna join?" Cory asked "Sure, we can all stop by the girls house first" Shawn said "Ok" I said

Word count: 716

Teenage Daydream - Shawn Hunter x readerWhere stories live. Discover now