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DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner, Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead or actual events are purely coincidental.



First day of senior year and it's already killing me. Nobody touch me, i don't wanna go to school. I don't want to go anywhere, i just wanna lay down in my bed and sleep all day and night. I grabbed my phone and scrolled through my instagram feed first. Then a notification pops up. Whitney texted.

"Bitch i know you are awake, get up and fix yourself. I'm going to pick you up in half an hour"

I chuckles and shakes my head. Whitney is just the best but annoying sometimes. She was there the whole time, when i'm closeted, she supported me and supported me with her 101% support when i came out of the closet. Except for my Dad and Brother, she was the happiest person to accept me for who i am. I like boys but i like girls too. I like girls more than i like boys. Boys are ugh. Disgusting in some way. Men are trash. I mean not all, there are some decent guys but most are just ugh.

I got up the bed and take a bath, brush my teeth, choose a clothing, one thing about me, i always dress nicely. Like i could be a model if i want to but i don't want to. I went down and saw my brother Samuel and Dad.

"Morning kiddo" Dad said with a big smile on his face

"Morning Leigh" My brother said. He's wearing a suit and Dad too, as always they are off to work. My Brother is a Corporate Lawyer and my Dad is a Criminal Lawyer and i am.. me.

"Morning Daddy, Samu. You 2 look nice." I said as i grabbed a bowl and pour milk and cereal.

"And so are you. Excited for your first day?" Samu asked

I shrugged. "Eh"

Dad checked his watch. "I gotta go. I have to meet a client in 10 minutes. Goodluck my daughter" He kissed my forehead and left.

"I have to go too. See you later leigh. Behave" He said squinting his eyes.

"Aye aye" I put my hands on my forehead like a soldier.

He chuckles and tapped my head before he left. I have the best family. My Dad and Brother are my everything. We don't need anyone else. I finished my breakfast and brush my teeth again before i heard Whitney's honking. I ran down and went inside her car.

"Bitch really? 4 fucking honk? I'm not deaf i hear you" I rolled my eyes. She chuckles and hugged me.

"Good morning to you too. Ready?" She smiled. I nodded then we drove away.

She opened the windows and we looked at each other like we know what to do. We put our arms outside the window and shouted. "Whoooohoooo we are back bitches!!"

Some students we recognise waved at us and shouted too. Whitney and I laughed. Then she parked. Clary & Tara walked up to us and we group hugged.

"Aaahhhhhh" Tara said

"I'm excited for this year! I heard there are 3 new professors. 2 guys are hotttttt and the woman is hot too as i heard" Clary said

I laughs. "I don't know about that. Sometimes their definition of hot is 'not hot'"

"Truee" Whitney agrees with me

"But this its real. I saw them and wow. I already love this year" Tara said

"Well since i'm the one who has a great taste, i'm going to judge when i see them" I said then walks. They followed me to our first class.

Whitney and I sat beside each other and behind us, Tara and Clary. We all are talking about our vacation, catching up until a blonde woman maybe in her 20's came in. She's hot. Our classmate?

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